Don't Be So Lazy , Do It Yourself !

                                                                       I've been asking myself the same set of questions , for a helluva long time now . They are something along the line of , what is important to me , and why does that same importance not be important to other people . Or something like , why is it so necessary  to try and solve the mysteries of the universe in one day , when you have all of your lifetime to do it . Not that there is a possibility that you ever will , but you will try your best . You just have to engage with the patient part of yourself , instead of always rushing trying to get tomorrows work done today . When you are of that persuasion , you will find that no matter how much you get done , you just never seem to be able to finish anything . With the result , your expectations of yourself will always leave you feeling unfulfilled , unfinished , and never happy with what you have just done . .
                                                                      I really can't think of anything more sad than feeling so completely unaccomplished , that the end of your day will always be met with that same old feeling of not quite making it . Not quite finished . Never ever fulfilled .
                                                                     And so the question has to be asked , so how do we change such a soulless existence ? How do we make a life filled with accomplishments and things always finished and wrapped up like Christmas presents ? So that when we stand back and take stock we are filled with nothing but pride in all of our little achievements . When is that lovely day ever going to arrive , because at this moment in time my patience is simply running out . Will someone , anybody please enlighten me ?
Not pertinent , but who gives a shit ? Its Funny !
                                                                     You see the problem with all kinds of enlightenment , is that whenever you feel that you are getting there , some stupid piece of information or mischief knocks you right of kilter . Its the human condition that does it to you , and as we all know , we are all subject to the imperfections of being just who we are . And for some , being imperfect and all of its implications , can be rather daunting . My understanding of it all is simply this . We expect too much of ourselves . We expect that because somebody else is great at putting up a wall , we feel not so great because we can't . Instead of just saying to ourselves , look , I have my own special skills , and even if that means you can just about paint a door . Be happy in the knowledge that not everybody can paint a door .
                                                                     So getting back to feelings of not being quite happy with oneself , and continually pushing yourself beyond what's really healthy .I have found , and as I always say In My Opinion , that the only person who can push ourselves beyond reasonable limits are ourselves . When you reach that point of acceptance and understanding , you will then realise that the only person who can stop your unhealthy preoccupation with a life so perfect , Is Yourself . Don't expect someone strange to give you the answer to your life . Don't be so lazy , Do it Yourself !


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