It Pays To Follow The Money ! Always !

                                                                     What is it about the truth that we try so hard not to share ? Why when asked something maybe a little embarrassing , or awkward , we tend to fib a little rather than just be honest and tell the truth ? Maybe the human condition warrants us all to be able to twist things a little in our favour , when it comes to the admission of something .
                                                                    Its always too complicated or its not quite the right time to divulge the truth . It tends to get in the way of human drama you see . We cannot just be simple transparent human beings without reason or cause to lie . No we have to complicate issues , and then afterwards when the real truth rears its ugly head , everyone just goes missing , or denies any knowledge of being misled in the first place .We really are our own worst enemies . We simply cannot tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth . It always has to be watered down .
                                                                   You see no matter who you might ask about the same subject , joke or story , everybody interprets the story differently . That's why you so often hear so many different versions of the same story , but as you well know probably from experience , when parts are added to , or subtracted , so many details are lost in translation .
                                                                  Imagine for one minute , if you could apply this honesty that I am talking about . Not the one with so many different variations , no the whole truth and nothing but the truth . Imagine if you could apply it to everyone , especially politicians . Especially to governments and big corporations . As individuals of this great place we call home , don't you think we deserve to be spoken to truthfully , and not with the dishonesty and downright disrespect we currently have to experience ?
                                                                  Jesus Christ how simple our lives could actually be . How honestly thoughtful a total stranger could be , with absolutely no mention or sign of malice in their intentions toward you , only to help you on your way .
                                                                 Where is the humanity in everyone ? Someone has stolen our happiness for a profit . Its really incredible , that whenever there is a problem of sorts , you can always find the cause in what it costs , or more often than not in how we can make a profit from our involvement . To Find An Answer , It Pays To Follow The Money ! Always !


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