
Showing posts from November, 2016

An Open Letter From An Insomniac !

                                                                      Its getting toward the end of the current year , and already I am wishing it gone . Not that I am wishing my life away , more like just get it over with and let us try and begin again on hopefully a better note . Its getting to the point that come the evening time , when you have a little time to reflect on whats gone on during your day , you just know in your heart of hearts it could have gone maybe a little better . With a little less drama , and more of a constructive contribution from ourselves .Something that you can sit back and look upon as being more in the way you would...

An S.O.S Note on an Uninhabited Island !

The Palmyra Atoll as uninhabited as you can get !                                                                      Hello from Pantomime land . It gives me great satisfaction to inform you all that the reactions to my previous post Thanksgiving Hypocrites have gone viral . O k maybe I am being a little dramatic in describing it that way , but it certainly had a good few comments agreeing with my description and estimation of a holiday that is so hypocritical , that when thought about it really makes an outsider , and maybe a lot of insiders too , want to just vomit . All of this self-righteousness , and we are the chosen ones to protect this ail...

Thanksgiving Hypocrites !

                                                                         And so your last Thursday in November that always signifies Thanksgiving , has come and passed , and you're all probably worn out from all of the back patting that has gone on for the last few days . You may have even survived being in the same company as your brothers and sisters , hopefully without slitting each others throats . Sat down to dinner , drank a few drinks and chatted about the local gossip and news wherever you happen to be from . All in all the usual crock of shit that's been going on for  hundreds of years . Nothing really changes . ...

Beauty !

                                                                  WITH SO MUCH NEGATIVITY AROUND , I AM TRYING MY BEST TO STAY POSITIVE ! NEVER REALIZED HOW FU..... DAMN HARD IT CAN BE !

Kinda Makes Me Sad !

                                                                      There were many attempts to be the first person to fly in the early years of the Twentieth Century . But finally on October the 5th 1905 Wilbur Wright piloted The Flyer the third for 39 minutes and flew 24 miles of circles around Huffman Prairie . He basically flew the first practical airplane until it ran out of petrol . Think about it . And while doing that , just realize that that first venture into manned flight was only , only 111 years ago . I was born in 1953 , and while I have never considered it until now actually , that 48 years previous to my birth , this giant leap w...

Don't Be So Lazy , Do It Yourself !

                                                                       I've been asking myself the same set of questions , for a helluva long time now . They are something along the line of , what is important to me , and why does that same importance not be important to other people . Or something like , why is it so necessary  to try and solve the mysteries of the universe in one day , when you have all of your lifetime to do it . Not that there is a possibility that you ever will , but you will try your best . You just have to engage with the patient part of yourself , instead of always rushing trying to get tomorrows work done today ...

It Pays To Follow The Money ! Always !

                                                                     What is it about the truth that we try so hard not to share ? Why when asked something maybe a little embarrassing , or awkward , we tend to fib a little rather than just be honest and tell the truth ? Maybe the human condition warrants us all to be able to twist things a little in our favour , when it comes to the admission of something .                                          ...

So Who Is To Blame ?

                                                                              Tell me , somebody , anybody , what is it that makes for interesting reading ? Tell me , someone , I really want to know . You can have stories of disasters , and because there are so many of them , people everywhere have become desensitized by them all . Yes for a few terrible moments we abhor the sheer savagery of a particular situation or development . But unfortunately , maybe two minutes later it's on to the next piece of news . We all do it . Lives and the loss of them , are just another piece of the human drama that we call ...

Where did This Material Come From ?

                                                                           I have taken the not so serious decision to disengage from everything political , and also psychological . Its a not so brave decision as you might think , as there are so many reasons for me adopting this not so serious stance . I have found it of late , that while tinkering with my not so revolutionary thoughts , it has made me take stock of myself . It has made things a little easier to manage than I have been heretofore . I know its a drastic life changing position to embrace , but if Donald Trump can win a presidential election , I can change s...

The Unwelcome Guest !

                                                                            There's a strangeness that is creeping into my performance as the human being I expected me to be . That includes lapses of the judgement that is needed to function properly on an every day basis . That could also include steering myself in the wrong direction when it comes to understanding a problem that might have been my displeasure to be associated with . You should know the type , dealing with anything that could be both personal and impersonal . It doesn't really matter , because having to deal with it will always be a thankless , and al...



And So The Backfire Came To Pass ! This was Never Meant to Happen !

                                                                         O K so it's happened . I did say in an earlier blog that the fix looked as if it was going to backfire . And backfire it did in the most spectacular of fashions . Donald Trump is going to be America's next president . But to completely understand what has truly happened here , means that you shouldn't look at Trump's presidential promises and guarantees . No the thing you should really concentrate on is why something so surprising could even happen in the first place .                           ...

Secret World of US Election: Julian Assange talks to John Pilger (FULL I...


When Two Presidential Muppet's Go To War !

Donald & Hillary                                                                         America , The World is Watching You ! They are watching your absolutely disgusting behavior . You are proving once again that you are what I can only term as a bunch of illiterate cowboys . You are stupid beyond all sense of imagination . You are actually too stupid to see the damage you are doing to your reputations as decent and fair human beings . Whatever the result of this cartoon of an election for President of your country , the world will see you all for what you actually are . Racist bigots , a danger to all minority groups within and without your country . And really more importantly the Biggest Danger to our survival as a species on this once beautiful and healthy planet .         ...

Interrupting Your own Conversation !

                                                                         Today I decided I needed to have a long stern chat with myself . I wasn't looking forward to having myself told off , so I tried unsuccessfully I need add to defer or even postpone this chat . You know how it is ? All of the hints are there .Like you've had enough reminders , and you know that this has been coming for a very long time . But it's so difficult to catch yourself in the right frame of mind , and then there are all of the things that need doing . So much so when confronted with this need to chat , you finally realize that there are just not enough hours in the day to cover everything . So obviously some things will be put on the back burner , destined to re surface at a later date that is more agreeable and less time con...