The Ultimate , Connected Individual !

                                                                          I'm finding it increasingly more difficult to make any real sense of myself lately . I've been talking to like minded people like myself , and they have , just like me come to the same conclusion . Its not like its a confusion or anything like that . Its more of a wanting of seclusion and separation that is spurring us all on . We have all spoken of the effects that such a stance induces , and to be honest they are not what you would call comfortable . In fact when spoken of , and approached they are downright scary .
                                                                         You can be of the opinion that certain things don't matter in your life . Purely because you abandoned any contact with those feelings and emotions maybe many years ago . That does not mean for instance , that they have ceased to exist . It simply means you have put them on the back burner , you might say . But they have been stewing there just like your pot of tea does . And we all know how tea turns out if left too long to brew . Well this is my analogy . It may sound silly , complicated even , but it still pinpoints the importance of having your own personal approach .
                                                                        Having to rely on the efforts and sense of others is a waste of time . You will never truly feel fulfilled doing that . You must above all else make an effort to make all of your own decisions . Even if you have to inspect and examine someone else's views , and put together your own version of how you should approach matters . This I am advised , is called your own personal compromise . You don't have to apply others opinions and practices as your own . What you have to do is find a level of acceptance , among everything you have touched and studied , and make it your own .
                                                                       Sure isn't that how we have all been roped  in one way or another , with regard to who believes in who , and whatever God is most appealing when it comes to our beliefs ? Many of the religions out there start with , First There was Man , and Woman  was made from Man , etc. etc. etc. If you are confused and you want to make sense of something , gather all of your bits and pieces that may apply to the subject , and just like and accept what you feel to be right for you . That's how things are done . Anything that has ever been created , has been created because of someone else's ideas . Yes you have discovered stuff , but not without some sort of help from others , be it directly or indirectly .
                                                                       So as you search for your perfect inner and outer self , don't make it more difficult than you have to . Whether we like it or not , we all rely on each other in many a strange way . You can be as different as you want to be . But your difference was founded from another's best efforts at being the same . Try and be as individualistic as you possibly can be . But always remember this , just because you cannot make head nor tail of yourself , does not mean you're a failure . In fact , its because of this that you are who you are , The Ultimate , Connected Individual .
                                                                      As much as you may like to think you are isolated and alone , nothing could be further from the truth . We all are part of this thing called Interconnectivity , something we can never free ourselves from .



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