Teenagers Going Missing , An Alarming Trend !

                                                                           Practically every single day that you either look at media platforms , or news channels , you will hear of another teenager going missing . I as a senior member of society , as in being in my sixties , can remember with great certainty that the amount of teenagers going missing like this is a new kind of phenomenon . I am not saying for one minute that it didn't happen at all . But what I am saying is that the amount of teenagers that are constantly going missing is increasing day by day , something that no family and parents should ever have to suffer .
                                                                           Another rather alarming trend , also connected to some disappearances , is the missing children's peers daring them to do just that , disappear . You'd wonder especially if you are the parent of one of these children that have gone missing , what really gets into their heads and makes them want to cause such alarm and misery for their families . Or maybe we are all looking at this from the wrong angle . Maybe there's some reason or compulsion behind these disappearances that we have absolutely no knowledge of .
                                                                          Only sometimes do we hear of the eventual finding of these teens . From following this trend , the majority of those that have gone missing you rarely see or understand how they eventually came home . Or Why , which is most important .And yes I do understand that the families involved are either too embarrassed , or are just happy to get their children home safely , and want no coverage of how or what went wrong .
                                                                          All anybody wants in this sort of situation is a reasonably happy ending , where no one is hurt , and everyone can restart their lives again happy in the knowledge that a possible disaster had

been averted . Understandably so . But what I want to know is , how does the next family , and the next family , try and understand what is happening to them when there is no explanation , or information available to try and get them through this . Always dreading that knock on their door telling them of some  awful tragedy .
                                                                          This will always be a very sensitive subject to talk about . People will always demand as much privacy as possible , and rightly so . But there are hundreds of thousands of families out there , wishing someone will come up with a way to make these teenagers stop doing what they are doing so they don't have to experience something as shocking as their son or daughter going missing . I know this probably sounds rather simplistic , and I also know that every family and story is different . But the one constant in the stories where teenagers go missing for a dare , or because of some new trend , is the total lack of consideration for others . I just don't understand that . Do you ?
                                                                         I am not including in this piece , the teenagers who are genuinely missing because of interference from others . They are not who I am directing this piece of chat at .                                                                         You'd really wonder what makes someone do such a thing . You'd really wonder how things got that bad that they had to resort to this sort of behaviour to try and devastate the hearts and minds of a mother and father . There but for the Grace of whatever God or Entity you choose to worship , go you ! 


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