Are you That Coward Hilary ?

                                                                  When it comes to believing in what you have been shown and taught about people who decide to put themselves out there to be elected in various positions in life , you should be fairly certain about who you decide to give your vote to . It is no longer safe to assume that just because your family and their families before them chose to support a certain party , that you should continue with the same tradition .
                                                                  For certain parties things will always remain the same , but in a lot of instances what they might have deemed , policies that would never be compromised , if you examine them closely enough something definitely different has been added to their agendas . No longer is the hand shaking , backslapping , broad smiling faces that greet you everywhere you go , enough to steal your vote from you . It is without doubt now , all important to make sure that certain candidates measure up to what is expected of them , and eventually deliver on everything that was promised . That is at least what we expect from them , but the truth of that assumption can be easily lost in bundles of empty promises , and forgotten conversations and pledges . Which brings me to the person who quite easily defines how empty , how shallow of character , and more importantly how full of shit a presidential candidate can actually be .
                                                                  I wrote a blog not so long ago , outlining my feelings in relation  to the two who are contesting the Presidential race in the United States . Mrs Clinton , and the devilishly handsome Mr Trump . I also outlined my feelings in relation to how a certain FIX was beginning to backfire in Hilary's campaign . We were all led to believe that Hilary would run away with this election . But good old Donald had something else in mind , and defeat to Hilary was not part of it . You see Donald is attracting the support of everything Aryan in the United States . He is appealing to the people who want America back from foreign ownership . They also want their car manufacturers back , and they want their steel mills open again . In essence middle America wants to get back to work for America , working for American companies who will never be owned by China , Japan , or any other foreign country . That's how simple this election is. Forget about economics . Forget about trade agreements . Forget about making sure that America dictates terms to the rest of the world . All that the American people want , is to be able to work again and be proud of who they are .
                                                                You see all of that pride has been taken away from them , by politicians with policies that they really don't agree with . They are sick of American industry being sold abroad . And Hilary is the face of that same sickness that they are all suffering from . Enter the ever Enigmatic Mr. Donald Trump . Now we all know what he stands for , Don't We ?


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