American Politics , As Bent as a Leprechauns Boot !

                                                                         It appears there is a surprise in store for all of us who continually have nothing better to do than watch what happens from day to day in American politics .There is so much going on over there that if you said J.F.K. was in fact still alive , you wouldn't be at all surprised . This is the thing about America , its a cartoon story . It's like a Marvel comic with super baddies under the name of Hilary Clinton , and certainly not forgetting Donald Trump . What makes this even more unbelievable is that they are both running for the presidency of the United States of America .
                                                                        Now let me just reiterate what I have always said and which just happens to be the truth , that I am not what you would call an overly educated person . The money just wasn't there for that sort of thing . So I did what I could with limited resources .I am kinda happy that that was the case , because truth be told I probably would have ended up a right tyrant . Sounds pretty good for an opening excuse don't you think ? Anyway that's exactly how it was . Which brings me to my point . That just because you feel that you have not been educated as much as maybe somebody else has , does not mean you should withhold your point of view . It does not mean that you should limit yourself in how you feel or minimize your commitment to an opinion . Just because your eloquence might need a little extra help , does not detract from your importance as an individual . So with that said and explained , hopefully to your satisfaction , I will continue .
                                                                       Hilary Clinton , just like her husband before her , is and always was , and forever will be , a lying , deceitful , self promoting egotistical bitch . Now when Julian Assange makes available all of those e/mails she is trying so desperately to recover and destroy , it will be the end of her . She will function no more . She will be indicted . She will be brought to justice once and for all , and she will pay the ultimate price not just for her role in supplying arms to I.S.I.S , but will be finally recognized for exactly what she is , a puppet of big business .
                                                                      These are my words America . This is how I feel about your apathy toward the rights that you are throwing away day in and day out . When and if an election day comes , I wonder what way you will all vote . From certain circles it may not matter , as the overall consensus is that unless Mrs.Cinton is arrested and indicted , the outcome of the vote is a foregone conclusion . Politics in your country is as bent as a leprechauns boot . Is as dirty as the River Liffey . And is as unbelievable as a Marvel comic . How do you live with yourselves America ? Or maybe all of this is just another chapter from the X-FILES ? I know Chris Carter (Creator of the X-Files) is good , but even he couldn't have written a script like this .


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