Lost ! I'm at a Loss to Explain !

                                                                              I've been finding it increasingly difficult to concentrate on anything for any sort of long periods lately . I have also been finding it harder to focus , and keep focused , without having to try extremely hard to just maintain that sort of focus . The only way I can try and explain it to you is like this . You wake up in the morning and you try and grasp little hints as to what you were dreaming about during your sleeping hours . Only for those same hints to disappear without trace , leaving me at a loss trying to understand what the hell is going on . Does that make any sort of sense to you ? Remembering also , that what I am experiencing is no dream . This is all happening in real time .
                                                                              I have given myself the excuse that the days are longer and brighter now , and to be honest I am not really bothered . I am also sleeping a bit longer because there seems to be so much time left after waking , and so I keep telling myself that I've all the time in the world . You see what I want to fill up my day with , is anything that might give credence to my belief that it is in fact something very worthwhile . You want your days to be full of things that make you feel alive . You want your time on this planet to be as effective as you possibly can , don't you ? You want to be able to sit down at the end of the day , and feel useful . That you have contributed to something , no matter how small .
                                                                              These could easily be my thoughts and my feelings but they aren't .They are my words . But its my interpretation and understanding of how people who feel they have no purpose in life , and how they must look at themselves . You know the look I am talking about . You have seen it so many times before . Have you

ever looked into someone's eyes and seen how miserable and broken they are ? Have you studied a friend , a family member maybe , long enough to work out , that something is just not right behind the facade ? All of the signs are there . Most telling is the behaviour patterns that determine their state of mind . I mean you don't have to be a brain surgeon to work out that something is definitely amiss . And wouldn't it be so wonderful if you could just hand them your consideration , and it would be enough to get them back on the straight and narrow ? But alas things are never quite that simple . Though we can and do make things more complicated than they really need to be .
                                                                              I wrote this piece to remind myself , there but for the grace of God go I . What's fairly simple is the fact that you don't need a sign on your forehead in bold letters saying that you are lost . What's really difficult is admitting you are lost , and that you need to be found . We will all suffer that feeling of being lost , there is no doubt about that . Its not something to be ashamed of . Or that you should feel guilty about . Its simply your way of telling yourself , to reach out . To confide in someone . Anyone . They will listen , and they will surprise you ! 


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