Britain is Out ! Let The World Take Notice !

                                                                        What an historic day ! Britain you have my utmost respect as a voting nation , having chosen to Exit the European Union . I understand it can't have been easy with everyone to a man frightening the bejesus out of you all with threats of doom and gloom . But throughout all of the fear tactics thrown at you , you were resolute . You were courageous . You have drawn that invisible line in the sand that says no more will you accept bullying from any of your economic neighbours . When it comes to voting on your future , it will be the British electorate and not some invisible entity who will determine what laws are passed . God the air must smell a little sweeter today in Britain ?
                                                                        This is just the result that millions of people outside of your country were hoping for .With you they no longer believe in what the World Bank and its other influences have been telling them . They have lied to us all . They have taken any prosperity that was once so fruitful among us all , and have buried it deep in global control .
                                                                        You will now be faced with threat upon threat of fiscal destruction . You will be told your pound is going to be worth nothing . You will continually be reminded of how things used to be before the exit . You will as has already been mentioned , be wondering can The United Kingdom still compete in the Eurovision song Contest . All important issues I need add . But you will be brave , and as you did before , overcome everything negative that is thrown at you .
                                                                        As Boris Johnson said in his closing speech , the 23rd June is now and always will be your Independence Day . You have shown an example to others who still quake when Germany or the U.S.A threaten them with all sorts of economic threats . You have proven to be strong , when faced with the bullying tactics The Worlds Bank has threatened you with .
                                                                       Let this message you are sending out , encourage others to join you . I am suddenly feeling a lot more confident in the opinion of the ordinary person on the street . Because let me just say in no uncertain terms , that the only people who benefit from these sort of institutions like the E.U , are the people who have the most to lose . Not you and me . Not your next door neighbour . Its the big banks , its huge corporations , its those lying political toerags who always seem to give themselves pay rises even when their own economy seems to be going down the tubes .
                                                                      Britain , you have decided no more of this corrupt European Union . You have taken back your independence , and more importantly , it will be you as INDIVIDUALS who will decide your future . Use it wisely !


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