The Price of Opinion !

                                                 So here we are in the 21st century and nothing has changed in Saudi Arabia with regard to punishments handed out to its citizens . How is any country like S. Arabia supposed to be respected and admired by the outside world with the latest atrocities so very warm in peoples minds ?
                                                 Raif Badawi is a blogger , and like myself likes to put things out there , be it for self gratification or mischief it doesn't really matter . But living in Saudi and blogging about how things are done in his home country , is a step too far as far as King Abdullah is concerned . You see he and his very powerful clerics have handed Raif a sentence of ten years in prison , 1000 lashes to be administered every Friday after prayers , and was also fined for his criticizing these powerful clerics .
                                                 Just this morning before he was due to get his 50 lashes for the day , the doctor who seen him said because of last weeks lashes not being healed properly it was proposed to postpone todays lashes until the wounds closed a little more so that he could be lashed again to open the original wounds . So for the moment his lashes have been postponed , and the King was so looking forward to blood being spattered all over the ground especially after prayers !
                                                 So this country of Saudi Arabia

King Abdullah
will continue to do this another NINETEEN TIMES before his punishment is finished . How is anyone or any government of civilized people supposed to accept this BARBARIC , SAVAGE , & UNCIVILIZED practice without protesting in the loudest way possible ?
                                                 If you want to be taken seriously as a civilized country you must stop this savage practice right now . The world is horrified by your actions , and in a way its also laughing at you King Abdullah for allowing this to happen .You have proved throughout your life that you are humane , especially when you think of the Polish  conjoined twins you brought to King Abdulaziz Medical City and who were separated successfully . This is the man you should be recognized as ! And not the man who allowed one of his subjects to be slaughtered publicly for having an opinion !


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