Mean Streets !

                                                 I was just watching a video on facebook put up by a lady named Rebecca Ajibola . It was shared by The Anonymous Group , and it showed a guy resisting arrest who was being thrown round by a police officer . What came next was just so gruesome it blew me away 1 The police officer took out his gun and shot the guy at point blank range . Some people in the comments section said he was only tazered and that because he was resisting arrest he deserved to be shot .
                                                Now in my opinion for what its worth , it doesn't matter whether its a gun or a tazer , shooting someone like that is simply unacceptable . Its barbaric , its savage , its not as if the guy was armed , he wasn't . What is it about the American psyche ? What is it  that has you so de-sensitized to horror like this ? Can you not see the wrong in this ?
                                               Children are killing parents with sub machine guns , oh sorry everyone the safety was off and normally I lock that cabinet where my GUNS are kept . Are you f...... mental or what ? Its no wonder your streets are full of bodies , killed in the name of police justice . And don't tell me guns don't kill people , people kill people . Don't you get it ? Its one and the same ! You need to relinquish your hold on the good old cowboys and indians days . You slaughtered then and you're still slaughtering innocent people on the streets of your cities . You need to get civilized , you need to lobby your congressmen and tell them that you've had enough .



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