
Overthowing The Politics of the Rich !

                                                                        It's not difficult to imagine how people and families get so easily overwhelmed by what's going on around them . It's definitely difficult to imagine , that things will turn around and make everyone feel so much better about themselves , in light of current demands made of them through an unforgiving society . You see for me it's all about that hard hearted expectation you experience throughout your life .  The Expectation  to excel in school . The expectation to excel in sport . The expectation that somehow all of this is going to make you a better human being in the face of your peers .                                                                         I do understand that to make any sort of mark in life you do need to compete . You compete for jobs , in hindsight you compete for every single thing in your life . I probably never thought this through , and in just putting words down it has

Not even a Decent Remote Control & Two tiny chocolates in a small Cardboard Box !

                                                                       Hello to all of my faithful readers . I am in a bit of a quandary , and I need to get a few things off of my chest . I will make no apologies for what I am about to share , other than maybe some of you out there will relate to what I have to say . Either way I will write this in my own words and about my own personal choices to which just like you I am perfectly entitled !                                                                                   Firstly let me explain , I am unashamedly a smoker . I like smoking ! I am probably addicted to smoking , but as I stressed earlier this is my own choice . no one has coerced me . It is whether one agrees with it or not , legal to smoke cigarettes . And being a smoker one should always be aware of the non-smokers of this world . They should as I do respect their space , respect their lungs , and take all means necessary to make sure our smoke is not shared with an

Grab That Chance ! ( Make it your Own )

                                                                     Sometimes things that we expect to last all sorts of pressures and upheaval , simply don't . Sometimes people and situations we place all of our trust in , simply disappoint us and let us down . It's not because of anything you can put your finger on easily , a lot of the time it was coming , and for whatever reason you either chose to ignore it , or you thought optimistically that it would improve . Some things can improve , but only if there is enough will and strength to help it improve . But when that effort is lacking for whatever reason , you may as well be pissin against the wind . Simply put it probably was not meant to get better , and fortunately , at times affords you the benefit of possibly being able to start afresh . This is the optimistic way to deal with such disappointment .                                                                    You can of course go the other way and blame ever

Be More Like Daniel !

                                                              Daniel went to school today in a dress ! Daniel even decided to wear makeup today simply because he felt like it . He had no hidden agenda , he had no upbringing that would suggest that at some stage in his life he would want to do this . Daniel was not the son of gay parents , and was certainly not predisposed as a child simply acting out . No Daniel was simply bored with being dressed boringly compared to his female friends and schoolmates .He simply looked at himself one day in the full length mirror in his bedroom , and decided something had to change .                                                               His parents Terence & Grace , never really restricted Daniel to rules with regard to his development . They were of the opinion that Daniel at times liked to play and behave outside of the proverbial bubble he lived in . Never wanting to shock , but always wanting to experiment was Daniels way of expressi

AMRAK And my Thoughts of Buddha !

                                                                            I've been playing around with a few things in my head recently , things that normally wouldn't bother me . But the other day I was befriended by someone who just simply bumped into me . I was walking in town , minding my own business and lost in my own thoughts , and lately thoughts were gonna be the last thing I was going have pit-patting around in my brain . Man there I go again , drifting away from the significance of the piece . Anyway , this guy  who bumped into me , apologized , and then proceeded to ask me for a cigarette . I think it was obvious that I smoked , butt hanging from my lip was a dead giveaway , he then joined me in smoking that cigarette and we sat down on an empty bench . Anyone who smokes will tell you , best place to enjoy a cigarette is while sitting .                                                                            He introduced himself , Amrak was his name and he h

" Jinnyjoe Head "

                                                                                I was out in the garden yesterday , you know , pruning for the winter season and such . It was quite blustery , in fact there were a lot of speedy gusts about blowing me and my plants all over the place . Expected I suppose at this time of year , though not welcomed by me especially ! You see I suffer from what is commonly termed " Flyaway Jinnyjoe Head " ! It's not something I worried or cared about previously , but as the years go by it's beginning to be less funny . Sure , I used to laugh it off when after being in the garden for any length of time I passed by an offending mirror only to be faced with the " The Flyaway Jinnyjoe Head " . And really it was something to behold !                                                                               Now as most of my friends and family would attest to how neat perky and tidy my hair has always been , to someone else this

Cynicism Maybe ? But I Don't Wanna Be A Fool !

I Don't Wanna Be A Fool !                                                                           Continuing from where I left off six months ago , I am still in awe of everyone's ability just to wake up every morning and get on with their lives . It has taken these six months for me to come to terms with all that has happened . The time taken has given me renewed energy and thought to piece together where and how I went from being unavailable , to suddenly becoming available . I have to thank my wife for her continued understanding and support , without which I just couldn't have continued my reading and comprehension of what it truly means to be human . You see she has that sort of energy , she's extremely thoughtful that way . She possesses the one true element of human nature that sadly I and so much more of us lack ! Restraint !                                                                           She will be embarrassed for bringing this to everyone