Cynicism Maybe ? But I Don't Wanna Be A Fool !

I Don't Wanna Be A Fool !
                                                                          Continuing from where I left off six months ago , I am still in awe of everyone's ability just to wake up every morning and get on with their lives . It has taken these six months for me to come to terms with all that has happened . The time taken has given me renewed energy and thought to piece together where and how I went from being unavailable , to suddenly becoming available . I have to thank my wife for her continued understanding and support , without which I just couldn't have continued my reading and comprehension of what it truly means to be human . You see she has that sort of energy , she's extremely thoughtful that way . She possesses the one true element of human nature that sadly I and so much more of us lack ! Restraint !
                                                                          She will be embarrassed for bringing this to everyone's attention , but as the man says credit where credits due .
                                                                          I'm well ! Sometimes I'd find that difficult to say  , what with my constant rambling and going so often off the beaten track , but I have found a new way to offset circumstance and negativity . I simply rub my dog a lot more than I have heretofore . Bet you didn't see that coming ? I talk to her , and in turn she does her best to talk to me . Because she never does drama , that helps in so many ways . She smiles continuously , which is hard really as you all know , with so many face muscles being used to just get that message across , so there is no misunderstanding .It's silly I suppose but it works for me . She has no understanding of the pleasure she gives us both ! As always she expects nothing , but in all honesty she deserves everything. Now that's not something you could say about everybody , is it ?
                                                                          Maybe we should study dogs a lot deeper than we do ? Maybe there is some wealth buried in their collective genes that needs to be tapped . Maybe just maybe they have a better hold on how things should be done . I mean what have we achieved that we can be proud of ? Look at the world we live in , we've done that . Dogs and other animals don't do that shit . They have more respect for themselves and the state of the planet . It's obvious that animals would be better at it . A sad reflection wouldn't you say ?
                                                                         I think you've realized as you always do , that this is just me meandering again with a sense of cynicism throughout . Cynicism maybe ! But a lot of truth runs through it !

Now she's one Intelligent Lady 


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