It's Something we must All Consider !

                                                                        Lately I've been suffering from a condition that is very hard to describe . It has no symptoms at all to talk about , it kinda just creeps up on you . The doctor has explained to me that I have probably been suffering from this condition for God knows how long , years maybe she said . And because of its quiet dynamic , you'd hardly know you were sick at all .
                                                                       When I visited the doctor , she kinda asked me some very peculiar questions . Peculiar in that I have never been asked questions of this type before by a doctor . She started out by asking me how I viewed people and their collective good and bad habits . She asked me was I at all tolerant of others and their collective behaviour . She also asked me how I dealt with people letting me down from time to time . To all of these questions I answered honestly and , in my mind predictably . But from the look on her face I was suddenly made aware of how my answers had perplexed her . I really couldn't understand why my answers to her questions would effect her in such a way , as I thought them in my mind obvious , and in a way how most other people would have answered .
                                                                       Now I am sure you are wondering what exactly this condition is called , and how it effects people . The reason I bring this up is because this affliction only rears its ugly head in certain situations and circumstances . I

t is not the type of condition that is to be suffered while alone . Let me explain . To suffer from this condition , you definitely have to be in the company of assholes , idiots , shams , wannabees , or just someone of the thick variety . The name of this condition is called 2facedKun-aphobia .
                                                                      2facedKun-aphobia , is an extremely new condition . Though , I have it on good authority , that people have been suffering silently with this condition for years now . Obviously to suffer from this condition , firstly you must have a 2facedKun- , and secondly you have to have the wherewithal to deal with said 2facedKun- . That's why at times this condition can lay dormant until you are in the vicinity of the said 2facedKun-. But as we all know FROM EXPERIENCE , there are many of them about . How we can avoid them is anybody's guess . Personally , I just do my best to go about my daily chores avoiding anything and anyone who I might remotely consider to be part of that group . Methinks its an answer we must all consider !


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