Overthowing The Politics of the Rich !

                                                                        It's not difficult to imagine how people and families get so easily overwhelmed by what's going on around them . It's definitely difficult to imagine , that things will turn around and make everyone feel so much better about themselves , in light of current demands made of them through an unforgiving society . You see for me it's all about that hard hearted expectation you experience throughout your life .  The Expectation  to excel in school . The expectation to excel in sport . The expectation that somehow all of this is going to make you a better human being in the face of your peers .
                                                                        I do understand that to make any sort of mark in life you do need to compete . You compete for jobs , in hindsight you compete for every single thing in your life . I probably never thought this through , and in just putting words down it has made me realise how brave every one of us actually is . We don't think seriously about what it really takes just to Be, just to exist . Just to simply lay your foot on the floor every single morning and take that first step of the day . Looking at your first reflection of the day in the mirror , and not recognising at times who exactly is looking back .
                                                                       We are programmed to continue . We are also programmed not to stop , no matter what . We've been convinced that our contribution to the universe is so very very important and we should never lose sight of our goals . But what if ? What if we don't want to continue in this way . What if we really do want to stop and take stock of our own worth . What if we begin to be sickened by the inequality of life . The inequality of being poor . The unfair treatment in a system that is designed to make the rich richer and make the poor poorer .
                                                                      As you know in Ireland on Saturday the 8th of February we are going to  have a general election . We will vote on a number of issues . Issues that to some may seem unimportant , or not pertinent to that persons circumstances . But if you have felt any of the inequalities I mentioned earlier , any of the unfairness about the distribution of wealth in our society , here is an opportunity to rise above yourselves . Take command of your own destiny . To Stop allowing party representatives , who are actually Landlords in disguise robbing you of your hard earned money because of their position and standing . We need to regain our position and pride we sold to Politicians who promised us the world . We believed them . We in some cases supported them . When we were told to tighten our belts , they gave themselves salary increases . AND WE ALLOWED THEM TO !
                                                                     If you want to.wake in the morning to some sort of positive feeling , unlike the one you probably feel right now and have done for a long while . Then you Must stop supporting these Parasites . You must reject their collective warm smiles and greasy handshakes and Overthrow the Politics of the Rich . For your Sanity ! For your Bank Account , and Especially For your Future , because without this change There won't be one Worth Having !


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