AMRAK And my Thoughts of Buddha !

                                                                            I've been playing around with a few things in my head recently , things that normally wouldn't bother me . But the other day I was befriended by someone who just simply bumped into me . I was walking in town , minding my own business and lost in my own thoughts , and lately thoughts were gonna be the last thing I was going have pit-patting around in my brain . Man there I go again , drifting away from the significance of the piece . Anyway , this guy  who bumped into me , apologized , and then proceeded to ask me for a cigarette . I think it was obvious that I smoked , butt hanging from my lip was a dead giveaway , he then joined me in smoking that cigarette and we sat down on an empty bench . Anyone who smokes will tell you , best place to enjoy a cigarette is while sitting .
                                                                           He introduced himself , Amrak was his name and he hailed from India . I thought stupidly that he probably worked in the local Indian restaurant/takeaway ,being the easiest answer to my inquisitiveness , but after a few words and a few questions I was made aware of his being in Ireland a very long time . He was both humble and wise , we spoke of India , we spoke of Ireland and we spoke generously of ourselves , wanting at all times to learn and teach each other about our many  differing traditions .
                                                                          As we continued our conversation it kinda took a strange turn , in that we moved onto spirituality and how it effects us both physically and mentally . He was of the strong belief that what goes round comes round , eventually . I argued the point and asked whether fate came into his way of thinking at any level , he dismissed fate as being an easy answer to our own failings , and after great consultation with my inner workings and mechanisms I was easily convinced of how possibly I was wrong , and maybe perhaps his idea of what goes round comes round was a better alternative . Our conversation ended , we had said so much , and yet I felt we had said in fact very little . Everything and every point in question I felt was left half solved , hanging there in limbo . Never to be visited again . We shook hands and embraced .

                                                                        Having said our goodbyes , and thanking me for the conversation , we went in opposite directions . But as I continued I couldn't get his words out of my head , especially his beliefs . He just made so much sense , and his conversation was so calming that when I thought about him , I thought of Buddha ! Why ? I haven't got a clue ! How ? Don't even ask ! But as I was writing this piece I Thought about AMRAK and suddenly it all made sense !


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