
Anyway you get the Gist ? He's not here Anymore !

                                                                       I started this blogging lark nearly two years ago . Never really knowing where it was going to take me . I had no plan . I had no formal training as you can conclude from  reading my stories . But that was never a factor in why I wanted to write . There never had to be a certain way I would tell a story . And to be honest plenty of times I had no real urge to write . But when I started to feel like that , I kinda went off into the trees and told stories that entertained me . Things that might have happened in my day , or things I would have liked to happen in my day . There was never a typical reason why I wanted to write down stuff , I just felt one day that this is what I wanted to do .                                                                       I did all of this writing for me and me only . I wanted to entertain myself , and keep occupied as I kinda lost sight of what the big picture actually was . I

Oh No Not Me ! Never Me !

Cat's in the Cradle !                                                                              When is it the right time to start appreciating the things that have shaped our lives ? When is the right time to be able to speak and emotionalize about people who have impressed us , or who were simply there for us when no one else seemed in any way interested about how we might possibly develop ? We all know for instance how maybe a sister or brother , showed that interest in us that could have been sadly lacking from someone else we might always have expected to be our greatest protector and supporter . Alas in a lot of cases we were left to pursue a lot of the things that could have been our greatest achievement as a child or a teenager , alone and without the support one might expect from a parent or elder sibling .                                                                             I know it's easy to explain away the reasons for that lack of support . For Exa

Member's Feelings of Derision !

                                                                          I remember , a long time ago , when things were not so frantic , and when things reported to us all were never really what you might call stories that you might feel scared about . That would worry you in such a way that your sleeping patterns would be altered forever and a day . Yes , there were stories of war , murder , and political upheaval . But the reporting of such things never merited more than a corner in whatever newspaper you happened to support at the time . We could all sleep well in the knowledge that Charlie Haughey was at the helm , and if Charlie was in control not even the threat of a nuclear war would ever bother us . We were protected ! We all had God on our side . Both the Charlie God , and of course the one upstairs more importantly .                                                                         Looking back now , and with hindsight , there was so much shite happening around us t

Inchicore Anecdotes !

                                                                          There are none too many songs I can remember that relate to where I might have lived at any given time in my life , as perfect as the Beatles song In My Life . There are so many things that I can relate to even now , while it meanders around in my head .You see where I grew up had something really special , that thinking about it even now brings up so many memories and as many emotions . Richmond Park !                                                                          The house I lived in directly looked at the back of the famous/infamous Kilmainham Jail . I was too young to know or remember , why that place was filled with so many ghosts . Ghosts who had their lives taken from them so very very prematurely . All I knew was that when I crossed the Camac via the iron pipe that started in Turvey Avenue , me and my mates were gonna have one helluva a time . This is what the back garden of Kilmainham Jai

Happy 42nd Catherine !

                                                                             It's rather hard to imagine life without some of your favourite things thrown in  . We all have our own special choices , ice cream , fish and chips , a really nice curry , going to the movies just to mention a few . These are the things that can add up to having a good time , and in some cases having a wonderful time . When you can include some of these things into your normal day , that normal day can be transformed into something a little bit special , that might just  keep us from dying of boredom . The list can be endless if you consider it .                                                                             Then you come to a question that we don't always consider as being as important as it should be . And that is put simply , what is it , or what has been the ever present constant in your life that made that ice cream taste so nice ? What continuous presence in your life has made tha

A Place Deserving of it's Merits .

                                                                      Who is it that steals from us all of our plans and hopes for our future's ? What is it that cancels out all of our expectations and leaves us with nothing but plans that will never see the light of day ? How is it , that after careful preparation and forethought , the perfect application of a plan well thought out , will never actually work ?                                                                       You know you must do your best . You know that nothing short of a miracle will appease the hungry spectators in their demands for all of your concentration and time . And yet you continue on regardless . You ignore all advice that certainly would be better for you than what you have decided upon . You are relentless . You are stubborn . Stupid is what you really are ! Pigheaded , stubborn and without hope . And yet , you continue !                                                                       Wh

We All Have to Start Somewhere , Don't We ?

                                                                            I have decided after great consideration and some very deep investigative examinations of myself , to start this new Cult group . I am already convinced that this year will probably be as bad as the last one , and so , instead of trying to start a political party of sorts , I have decided that I will have to tackle the problems of the world in a different manner . From a totally different perspective , I will recruit as many self thinking individuals that I can lay claim to , and educate them in the Cult's objectives , but  more importantly the Cult's value's and aspirations . Needless to say there will be a membership fee . Ten thousand Euro will be the entrance fee , I have to charge this just to keep the Riff Raff out .As you probably know from the history of Cult's and secret societies , you don't want to attract the psycho's . But after we have established ourselves , I promise a r