
It's Something we must All Consider !

                                                                        Lately I've been suffering from a condition that is very hard to describe . It has no symptoms at all to talk about , it kinda just creeps up on you . The doctor has explained to me that I have probably been suffering from this condition for God knows how long , years maybe she said . And because of its quiet dynamic , you'd hardly know you were sick at all .                                                                        When I visited the doctor , she kinda asked me some very peculiar questions . Peculiar in that I have never been asked questions of th...

Nobody's Perfect , Not Even Me !

                                                                        Knowing me , you will know that I have been around for a number of years , and am in my sixties now . Throughout that time I have made my communion , and my confirmation , and fared reasonably well at school . I have made friends , I have also probably made enemies that I am not too concerned or aware about . You see I am no different from anyone else who has grown up , and lasted over sixty years now . We all have had our good moments and our bad , but the one true constant in my life always , is that I have never sought to hurt the next person so much that it le...

Now , All We Have To Do Is Wait !

                                                                     I have been committed to all things truthful and newsworthy for as long as I care to remember . So bearing that in mind , I have to consider my position as an upholder of the virtues that I have assigned myself with . You see it can be rather difficult at times to raise people's awareness about anything worldly or items I might write about concerning the world revolution . Having said all of that , I do truly understand that its not always that easy for an individual to set aside time in their day , chasing pursuits that would normally be of no interest to them .The thing that spurs m...

I really Didn't Have Much to Say !

                                                                       From time to time I have asked myself , what does it matter whether I write something or not . Mostly it's at a time when I cannot think of anything to say to be honest . And if I think about it  , this is unfortunately one of these times .                                                        ...

Will it Not Matter a Jot ?

                                                                       How much of your day is allotted to complete freedom of thought ? How many hours of your day can be set aside for personal me time ? I can just imagine in your heads what the response to those questions are . Do I hear a what is generally the answer to that question in that there are just not enough hours in my day to do everything that's needed ? I think that would be the general consensus . Unless of course you have help to get your children to school , and help to get them home again . That sounds to me like money that would be well spent don't you think ? Or are you of...

This is a prediction !

                                                                           There are far too many people on this planet . Something really drastic needs to be done . And something even more important is happening on this planet , people are losing their jobs day in and day out . There never seems to be a let up in how things are deteriorating around the globe . If anything things appear to be getting so much worse .                                                           ...

What a Waste !

                                                                      As a parent there is no other word that can fix a problem quicker that SORRY . I'm sorry dad , I'm sorry mam , it tends to have the magical formula for defusing sometimes really  awkward and uncomfortable situations . It can sometimes bring back to the table a chance of mediation or recovery . But what makes the word sorry absolutely worthless , is the inability of its importance to influence a family when maybe there is no chance of recovery .  There is no chance of trying mediation, because either things have gone on too long , or the will is simply just not there...