
Will it Not Matter a Jot ?

                                                                       How much of your day is allotted to complete freedom of thought ? How many hours of your day can be set aside for personal me time ? I can just imagine in your heads what the response to those questions are . Do I hear a what is generally the answer to that question in that there are just not enough hours in my day to do everything that's needed ? I think that would be the general consensus . Unless of course you have help to get your children to school , and help to get them home again . That sounds to me like money that would be well spent don't you think ? Or are you of...

This is a prediction !

                                                                           There are far too many people on this planet . Something really drastic needs to be done . And something even more important is happening on this planet , people are losing their jobs day in and day out . There never seems to be a let up in how things are deteriorating around the globe . If anything things appear to be getting so much worse .                                                           ...

What a Waste !

                                                                      As a parent there is no other word that can fix a problem quicker that SORRY . I'm sorry dad , I'm sorry mam , it tends to have the magical formula for defusing sometimes really  awkward and uncomfortable situations . It can sometimes bring back to the table a chance of mediation or recovery . But what makes the word sorry absolutely worthless , is the inability of its importance to influence a family when maybe there is no chance of recovery .  There is no chance of trying mediation, because either things have gone on too long , or the will is simply just not there...

Poor Lost Souls !

                                                                      I have just been reading the usual shit as you do on the internet media pages . Donald Trump's inauguration was pretty trendy . Riots in D.C . and just because they don't like what the man stands for . Though to be honest we the people of Ireland haven't shown great wisdom in the choosing of who we have elected have we ? How , after all of the shite Fine Gael and Fianna Fail have put us through over the last God knows how many years , we elect the same shitebags only to complain about it again and again . So don't think we are any different than those strange people across the p...

Anyway you get the Gist ? He's not here Anymore !

                                                                       I started this blogging lark nearly two years ago . Never really knowing where it was going to take me . I had no plan . I had no formal training as you can conclude from  reading my stories . But that was never a factor in why I wanted to write . There never had to be a certain way I would tell a story . And to be honest plenty of times I had no real urge to write . But when I started to feel like that , I kinda went off into the trees and told stories that entertained me . Things that might have happened in my day , or things I would have liked to happen in my day ....

Oh No Not Me ! Never Me !

Cat's in the Cradle !                                                                              When is it the right time to start appreciating the things that have shaped our lives ? When is the right time to be able to speak and emotionalize about people who have impressed us , or who were simply there for us when no one else seemed in any way interested about how we might possibly develop ? We all know for instance how maybe a sister or brother , showed that interest in us that could have been sadly lacking from someone else we might always have expected to be our greatest protector and supporter . Alas...

Member's Feelings of Derision !

                                                                          I remember , a long time ago , when things were not so frantic , and when things reported to us all were never really what you might call stories that you might feel scared about . That would worry you in such a way that your sleeping patterns would be altered forever and a day . Yes , there were stories of war , murder , and political upheaval . But the reporting of such things never merited more than a corner in whatever newspaper you happened to support at the time . We could all sleep well in the knowledge that Charlie Haughey was at the helm , and if...