
Please Respect Mine !

 Message to a Son .                                                                          What sort of tone would you like me to direct at you ? What part of knowing and understanding , do you not understand ? What are you aspirations , and to whom do you aspire to ? When you have finished grooming yourself , and have finished all the little details that make up your appearance , what in the name of God are your plans ? Do you even have any ? Do you still want to become that footballer you have always wanted to be ? Does the watching of X-Factor still bring that sensation of wanting to be famous on your list of top priorities ? And why is everyone still bewildered as to how to they should approach you on such issues ? Or are you in a state of I couldn't care less ?        ...

Greece ( The Tip of the Iceberg )

                                                      Its looking increasingly likely that the no vote in Greece will have won the day . I know maybe its a little premature , but I would like to personally congratulate them on their victory . I would also like to congratulate them for their very brave decision in what must have been a very emotional and very difficult time .                                                      Having chosen this route , it remains to be seen exactly where they will go from here . They haven't said they wanted to leave the Euro and Europe , only that they wanted a better deal that wasn't going to cripple their people . They have to be commended for that . In a previous blog I stated my v...

Greek Titans !

                                                   Since 2010 Greece has received 284 billion in bailout funds , 92% of which went to Greek and European financial institutions . And a paltry 8% actually went to the Greek people themselves . And people wonder why there is such a furor over the possibility of a Greek no vote on Sunday . For far too long the E.U has been dictating economics to not just Greece , but every other country within the E.U . Economics and lending that will not and cannot be sustained . People in Greece have had enough as has the rest of Europe , as indicated by the demonstrations all over Europe in defiance of what the E.U is promoting .                                                   We as fellow Europeans ,...

Who is Protecting the World From You ? ( Happy 4th July )

                                                             Good day readers , as you all probably know today is the 4th July American Independence Day . Throughout America and the rest of the world , there will be celebrations and parties celebrating what the founding fathers worked and died for . The Native Americans will have something else to say about their slaughter at the hands of the American founding fathers , and as always their demonstrations will be ignored . In fact their existence will be ignored , just another minor problem on the road to greatness . Just another tedious deflection from the truth as told and written by their fore fathers .                                                   ...

Someone is Taking the Piss !

                                                        I am sitting here in shorts and a black vest , and I am literally frying . Its eight in the evening and its a very muggy twenty degrees . I can handle heat and the sun , but this is uncomfortable .But have you noticed you get up early in the morning and the sun is splitting the trees , between 6 and ten its beautiful , and then for some unknown reason the clouds start rolling in . If it was only happening every so often it wouldn't be that noticeable , but when its happening every other day it starts getting to be a pain in the ass .                                                       Have you also noticed that having had the clouds in the afternoon , around...

Lack !

                                                             I am trying my best not to be taking myself too seriously . There's times I can be very fixed on something , and no matter how much I try to pry myself away from it , it just won't happen . Then there's the times when I can't fixate on anything at all , just like now and that makes me feel even worse . I mean I am supposed to be reaching out and connecting with y'all , I even feel it my duty at this stage to do so . Reluctantly my imagination is not in the mood to share , and to be honest I do not care one jot .                                                             So lets just see where that takes us . If I had you sit...

Where the F... is Superman , when you need him the most ?

                                                        Well with all the drama that's playing out in Greece at this very moment , its not hard to work out who is sitting in the wings rubbing their hands together , enjoying every minute of it . The Greek prime minister is not for changing , he still wants everyone to vote no in Sundays referendum . To be honest if you look at it from the outside , the problems the Greeks have , were not the making of by this left wing government . In fact for years they were created and made worse by successive right wing governments . There have been so many deferrals and default time limits , that its kinda hard to understand what lies in wait for the Greeks .                                            ...