We Voted for Change , All we got was More of the Same !

                                                                      After what seemed like an endless time waiting for the formation of a new government , we have finally got what we deserved . I mean the election took place on the 26th February 2016 , and since then there has been so much going back and forth over the same old problems , that today an outline for government has been set in place . Now when I say we got what we deserved , I am being  certainly sarcastic in that respect . Like when you have one elected representative saying , that in his opinion with regard to climate change , he will leave the outcome in God's hands , its gives you an idea about the mentality of some of our elected representatives . I don't really blame them for being so inept , but when this particular person who was elected with a record number of votes in his constituency , it gives you a feeling of despair about how his supporters think and feel about politics in general .
                                                                    Its incredible to think that 75% of the population voted against a return of Mr.Enda Kenny as Taoiseach , but here we are with him being re-elected by Fianna Fail politicians as well as some independents .This is what's wrong with this country , everyone just wants to look after themselves , without a thought for the country as a whole . They are all feathering their own nests , and once they have made sure that they have done that , it's like f... everyone else .
                                                                   The amount of frustration this has generated is palpable , and it remains to be seen if the majority of the electorate will accept this travesty of a government . All I can say personally is that , I do not for one minute think this is the end of the feeling for demonstration in this country . In fact because of this shambolic attempt to retain their position in government , it appears Mr Enda Kenny will do whatever is needed to maintain the status quo . But you see the status quo as far as the vast majority of concerned voters are concerned , is the reason so many people voted for change . This formation of government is more of the same , and Is Just Not Acceptable .


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