What was once a reason to take pride in oneself , has suddenly and without warning , become a wholesale disgrace to all and sundry . I am sorry to have to inform those people who fit into that category , that they are but a blot on the landscape . And if you think for one tiny minute that you are behaving and looking stylish and cool , well just ask someone for their opinion on how you look , and just see what their reaction will be . It won't be what you expected I can promise you . You just might be a little disappointed in what their opinion says about you . I mean is it not obvious to you that you are beginning to look and behave like your fifteen year old spoiled daughter ? Before you make an idiot out of yourself , take my advice and stop behaving like one .

These could be the ramblings of any parent in this country when it comes to the chastisement of their children . But this particular piece is not about child chastisement , in fact its about parent chastisement . Why do some parents deem it necessary to go around looking like their teenage daughters ? Why do they have to have the same hairstyles and the same attire that is styled specifically for teenagers and younger women ? That fifteen year old daughter is probably so embarrassed about her mother's appearance , that having her by her side in the company of her peers and friends probably sends shudders down her back .
This must be a new craze of living out your daughter's teenage years as your own . Sounds pretty weird to me . And how the husbands of these women don't have a serious word in their wive's ears is another question that probably needs to be asked . You know the world never ceases to amaze me . The behaviour of some people never ceases to amaze me either . Just like , why in the name of everything that is respectable and responsible , do American mother's throw their children's early growing up years , into the gutter by dressing them up like Dolly Parton or some other adult female film star ?Like what do the mother's get from it ? Is it something in the drinking water over there ? Is there some ulterior motive behind all of this ? It really begs belief .

So if you are already dressing up like your teenage daughter , or you plan to sometime soon , do yourself and your children a favour , and go back to being a responsible and respectable human being . Your children don't need any more friends , they probably have too many of them anyway . Be what they need in their lives , a parent . Someone they can look up to with pride , and can rely upon for advice when needed . I feel the world's gone fu..... mad !
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