Not Fuc.... Good Enough People !

                                                                      Did you ever get the feeling that you are being ignored ? Have you ever felt that no matter what you do , say , or think , there are stupid fuc.... idiots out there who are so fuc.... inept , brainless , have no idea how to think for themselves that they leave the rest of us so fuc.... frustrated that somebody with very little constraint could possibly do someone else a mischief of sorts as a lesson for their collective stupidity ? I can hear you brother I can hear you all say , yes I know but what the fu.. can we do about it , that's my point ?
                                                                     It's just not good enough for us all to sit back and say , sure what can we possibly do about it ? And sure would it make any difference anyway ? Really I am getting far too annoyed for it to be a coincidence . I am getting myself so wound up , that in my inner deepest thoughts , I could actually go out there , hire a fuc.... blunderbuss and blow the bollix out of all Fianna Fail and Fine Gael supporters .Have they not seen what their asshole leaders have done to this country of ours ? Have they not suffered enough contempt from them with their continuous promises , always to be lied to and let down ? This is no longer an issue that is acceptable to me or the rest of the suffering public .
                                                                    Now , just because I and so many other people are extremely angry with what's going on with this interim government , knowing full well that when this government of lying scumbags is formed , all anyone will say is wait till the next election . Not F...... Good Enough People . We cannot wait until they get their collective feet underneath a governing table , and be told It's The Law , you voted us in and you will have to endure us for the term of this government . Again Not Fuc.... Good Enough People . Something quite revolutionary needs to happen , AND IT NEEDS TO HAPPEN NOW ! We are being rode collectively by the obvious representatives of a certain Mr. Denis O'Brien . Do not and I will repeat myself , DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THE INFLUENCE OF MR.O' BRIEN . He has the controlling stake in this thief ridden country of ours . He is watching every little development , and is in constant contact with his supporters in government .
Such Good Friends  !
                                                                  Also not to make them feel left out , You Fuc.... Independents who were elected by people who showed their belief in you , had better not line your own pockets like

so many politicians do . You have been given a mandate by your supporters , use that mandate wisely . Because people are so sick and tired of being screwed over , that to say they are on a very tight leash would be an understatement . A leash I need add that is losing its hold , and could possibly break with an outcome that would not be too pleasant on the eye . Do you get my drift here ? Do you think for one minute that I am over dramatizing here ?
                                                                Beware the anger of the populace . Beware the frustration of the populace . But above all else respect what you have been chosen to do .  


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