
How About You ?

I don't think she cared do you ?                                                      And there I was just finishing my dinner of fried noodles , and I tell my wife that the three most dangerous drugs that are killing people in the U.S. are tobacco , alcohol , and prescription painkillers . I also told her something I never knew , that marijuana was an actual pain killer too . Now you have to be very careful when you open up a topic of conversation with my wife , and this time I forgot about that . Suddenly out of nowhere she goes into this vicious tirade of a reaction to my newly found information .                                                     She like me is not one to be acceptable of someone trying to tell us what to do , be it blatantly , or inadvertently . No we are the people who rule our lives , and no one , repeat no one will get to infringe on our right to be right or wrong . We have always accepted our positions in this world , we have also always believed th

Today I Will Remember !

                                                         I wake up some mornings and wonder , what is it I am going to fill my day with today . What is it that's going to entice me to grit my teeth and just take a bite out of it . Firstly lets get to the bottom of the news stories and lets see where that takes us . I am not much of a news person , neither is my wife , but I like to just catch the headlines , and then form an opinion on how things should proceed . Normally we would ask each other , anything strange or startling in your world this morning ? The answer nine times out of ten would be , same shit different day .But that's not what I want to talk about today , as usual I digressed .                                                         You look in the mirror every morning after waking , and you  never take notice of something very significant and important that's happening right in front of you . The reason you don't take notice is because you are too bus

An International Week !

                                                        We are truly going international this week . We have new subscribers from United Arab Emirates , Ukraine , China , India and Australia . Welcome to you all and get involved if you like , leave a comment , or just simply share . I'd love to know what topics are of interest to you all , but whatever the case enjoy and feel free to criticize or complain . It means so much to get a world wide view on certain topics , and the best way to do this is to simply share .

Not even an offer of Compromise !

                                                             To all you people who take the time to read and inspect my blogs I thank you . Now I do know there are times I do tend to go off into the trees , and I do apologize for that . Its just one of my idiosyncrasies , and I have plenty of them . I have to let you know that today I had my hair coiffured . I just had this feeling of fly away , and my fringe was getting right into my eyes , so off to the hair salon I went . I had asked my wife about an idea I had yesterday . I asked how she felt about me shaving my head , and growing a large type beard . I said if she missed my hair all she had to do was look at me upside down . It was a non starter right after she threatened me with isolation . And I just wanted maybe a little change in direction , a little appearance adjustment . Isn't it amazing the influence your wife can have over you ? And not even an offer of compromise .

But It Is Your Business !

                                                           I sometimes just wonder seriously about people . What turns out to be their sense of humour to others it just turns out to be  bad taste . Then when you bring it to their attention and there's the usual apologies and why are you so sensitive questions . I don't get why having to make someone feel small or just being generally obnoxious can be termed a sense of humour . Its bullying , its oppression , its insensitivity and its wrong on all those counts .                                                           I am not a prude by any stretch of the imagination , but when someone says or does something , be it for attention or to just take the piss out of someone in a personal way , I draw the line . I will say its unacceptable , and will always point to a turn the situation round entirely , and place your feet in their shoes , now how do you feel ?                                                          This is what

An Impossible Task !

                                                        Maybe I should apologize for my ranting earlier in relation to the Catholic Church . But the more I think about it the more justified I feel about my comments . These people who live in their ivory towers telling you and me how many children we should have . Telling you that using contraception is a sin , and was once punishable by death I need add , according to ancient Christians who stole a lot of their traditions from the Greeks and Romans .  These hypocrites even having an opinion , I find so offensive .                                                        Every single day you have them making statements about the sanctity of the family . The sanctity of marriage , the sanctity of religious people and the like . Never wondering about the poverty or possibility of families possibly not making it through the day . They have all proven to be shallow in the extreme , sickeningly unaffected by what is really going on in t

It Will Soon Come To Pass !

                                                              Happy May Bank Holiday Monday . And yet again we have an outrageous statement from one Archbishop Eamon Martin , saying that if the Gay marriage referendum passes they are still unsure if they will carry out civil ceremonies . He also says , that the referendum will raise issues about what it teaches children .He's concerned whether making changes to the Catholic stance on marriage would be a good thing . Back in March of this year a certain Bishop of Elphin Kevin Doran came in for criticism saying that gay parents of children were not really or necessarily parents . To which the Archbishop of Dublin Dermot Martin described the statement as an unfortunate phrase , and as a result Doran expressed his own regret for the statement that was said earlier . Towing the official line obviously .                                                             Now this is some of the background that the Catholic Church have b