An Imaginary Hole (And It's Dangers !)

                                                                       True Story ! 

                                                               This Morning , Having been at a wild Thunderous Party the night before , which involved couples arguing among a Slew of neighbours , something rather dangerous and crazy happened ! 

                                                                My wife Catherine & I left the party , and all of the drama that was unfolding , Unnoticed I need add ! We started our journey home on foot , having drank a few , you'll understand it was the sensible thing to do ?  

                                                                 While walking home , Catherine fell down a hole , which led to the sea ! Don't ask , you'll get it soon enough ! Of course I jumped in after her , it's what you would do isn't it ? Well you see , this hole was an imaginary hole , dreamt up in my subconscious that nearly Killed me ! 

                                                                 As I jumped through the hole ( Imaginary ) , What I actually did was Fall out of the bed ! I kid you Not ! 

                                                                 My wife Catherine is Safe , I rescued her . But when I hit the floor I cracked a rib ! Long story short , if you are going to save your wife , or anybody for that matter , make Damn sure you've a soft Landing ! 

                                                        I just had to Share ! 


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