
Nobody Told Me - John Lennon (official music video HD)


The Truth is Out There , All it Takes is for You to Look !

                                                                             I love a mystery ! The more mysterious the better ! Especially when the mystery involves elements of our character that sometimes we accept , or in other cases fail to recognize . You know the one's , they are the details that separates us from simply being all the same . You have your point of view , and that's fine as long as you recognize eventually that you are wrong , and obviously somebody else is right . The disagreements that can and often do go on a lifetime , simply because some or both parties are too stubborn to compromise , or put simply, to see another point of view .These are the behaviours that define us all . And never are they helpful to solving a situation .            ...

Apocalypse ? Chill the Fu.. OUT !

Me in the Bunker !                                                                        Over the last week or so I have been digging and digging , tryin to create a sort of Corona Virus Free environment . I'm absolutely Knackered as it started in the back garden , and because of lack of resources it had to end up in our kitchen .Well We do have to have access to foodstuffs etc.                                                                        I dug down 8ft x 8ft , so It's a little cramped at the moment , but is slowly becoming what I intended it for . You see I had to do this to try and protect the wife and myself , rea...

Disgusting Behaviour !

                                                                      Let me relate a little story to you . It's one that truly disgusted me today . And some of you reading may not agree with my reaction , and then maybe some of you will . To the Willers I would appreciate that you shared this as wide as you can simply to bring attention to a very sad , selfish , disgusting human trait . Let me begin !                                                                       My wife Catherine , son Jeff and myself were in Tesco's today . Just shopping for the essentials as you do . On entering the store we were made aware pretty quickly that ple...

Overthowing The Politics of the Rich !

                                                                        It's not difficult to imagine how people and families get so easily overwhelmed by what's going on around them . It's definitely difficult to imagine , that things will turn around and make everyone feel so much better about themselves , in light of current demands made of them through an unforgiving society . You see for me it's all about that hard hearted expectation you experience throughout your life .  The Expectation  to excel in school . The expectation to excel in sport . The expectation that somehow all of this is going to make you a better human being in the face of your peers .                                         ...

Not even a Decent Remote Control & Two tiny chocolates in a small Cardboard Box !

                                                                       Hello to all of my faithful readers . I am in a bit of a quandary , and I need to get a few things off of my chest . I will make no apologies for what I am about to share , other than maybe some of you out there will relate to what I have to say . Either way I will write this in my own words and about my own personal choices to which just like you I am perfectly entitled !                                                                                   Firstly let me explain , I am unashamedly a smoker . I like smoking ! I am proba...

Grab That Chance ! ( Make it your Own )

                                                                     Sometimes things that we expect to last all sorts of pressures and upheaval , simply don't . Sometimes people and situations we place all of our trust in , simply disappoint us and let us down . It's not because of anything you can put your finger on easily , a lot of the time it was coming , and for whatever reason you either chose to ignore it , or you thought optimistically that it would improve . Some things can improve , but only if there is enough will and strength to help it improve . But when that effort is lacking for whatever reason , you may as well be pissin against the wind . Simply put it probably was not meant to get better , and fortunately , at times affords you the benefit of possibly being able to start afresh . This is the o...