Disgusting Behaviour !

                                                                      Let me relate a little story to you . It's one that truly disgusted me today . And some of you reading may not agree with my reaction , and then maybe some of you will . To the Willers I would appreciate that you shared this as wide as you can simply to bring attention to a very sad , selfish , disgusting human trait . Let me begin !
                                                                      My wife Catherine , son Jeff and myself were in Tesco's today . Just shopping for the essentials as you do . On entering the store we were made aware pretty quickly that plenty of the shelves were empty . We went to the bread section which was wiped out . Not a single slice of bread was there to be had . We were suddenly made aware of this lovely old lady , on her own , desperately shaking her head . On contact with this woman , she just kept muttering to herself , " What has the world come to ? How can people be so selfish ? Not a single thought for others ! " .
                                                                     When I saw how anguished she had become , It suddenly dawned on me how angry I had become seeing how distressed she was .
                                                                     I have sourced some information on this Coronavirus , and Not Once has anyone said there would be a shortage of Bread . Not Once has anyone said that you should stock up on Toilet Rolls as you just might get Diarrhoea . NOT ONCE has anyone said you should Deprive others who might just need these things .
                                                                     I am both appalled and disgusted at this human trait . People pushing in supermarkets wanting to get the last roll of toilet paper FOR WHAT ? What the Fu.. has gotten into these people ? How Savage you become in such situations . How Fuc.... downright Nasty you become in the blink of an eye . You Disgust me ! This is not what humanity and living a good life is about . This is the foulest of behaviours
I have seen in many many years .
                                                                     There is no evidence to suggest your collective behaviour is warranted . Nor is it acceptable . This type of behaviour should not be condoned , or excused by anybody . Shame on you All .
                                                                     We will all get past this Bastard of a virus , But becoming that same Bastard is a good indication of your lack of character , and more importantly your lack of consideration for others .


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