
The Immovable Object !

                                                                        The lengths we go to just to assert ourselves .The time we spend just wanting not approval but validation in our everyday lives . You see the great obstructions in our lives , the things that stop us from progressing and going forward ,are the things we have created ourselves as part of our defence mechanisms , that will only allow us to go so far . Will only allow us to take two steps forward and always one step back . What is it that restrains us all ? Why are we so unforgiving of ourselves ? I mean we haven't committed some unspeakable crime or crimes that need to be hidden away . That need us to move house , lock stock and barrel , just to feel safe and whole . That make us feel less challenged , and maybe , just maybe a little less u...

Adam Levine - Lost Stars


How AMAZING it is to Just Talk to You !

                                                                       I have been writing quite a few years now , and it never ceases to amaze me where my readers come from and just how powerful the internet is . Today I would like to welcome readers from Nepal , Bangladesh and India to our enlightened pages . Just goes to show the power of sharing !                                                                        Hitherto I wouldn't have had any reason to assume the importance of anything I have written , but as time goes by I go over many of the blogs I have written and each time I do that I get a better understanding n...

Yellow being Immune to the Macron Strain !

                                                                        Oh God , not another post Christmas blog . Well if I am being honest , and because of today's date and it's proximity to the Christmas date , I suppose it's difficult to see how it would not be considered a post Christmas blog taking all things into consideration . Let us shy away from everything holly & ivy and simply relaunch ourselves shall we ? So with that firmly established and our thoughts firmly on the future , let us pave the way for an almighty entrance in to the New Year .                                                                        Now...

Have the Happiest of Christmas's ( And Just Love Yourself )

                                                                        With so much darkness in the world , I have made a promise to myself this Christmas . I will only entertain light in whatever shape or form that comes my way  . Its so easy to be engulfed by sadness , badness , people's apathy , that to have any semblance of order in your life you must first examine yourself . And examine myself I have ! I found that in reality happiness lives here ! I have also realised happiness sometimes comes at a cost . The cost is to your sanity and well being , and sometimes you just cannot afford it , the price being so extortionately pricey . Something will suffer for your happiness , as not everyone or everything is going to be glad you have suddenly found something good to hold onto . Such is Life ! ...

Methinks That Line Has Been Crossed !

                                This long while I've been waiting and hoping that eventually the people's of the world would wake from their collective apathetic slumber and realize once and for all how uncomfortable and sore it is to have some entity or group screwing you from behind ! That soreness probably started with an uneasy discomfort that has progressed into a fully fledged giant Haemorrhoid protruding from our collective asses that needs Lancing once and for all !                                Le Mouvement des Gilet Jaunes ( Yellow Vests ) to us mere misunderstood victims of governmental abuse (mental being the operative word ) , have started a trend that is gathering momentum in the capitals of  countries within the European Zone . It has being brewing for as long as I have been predicting it , and that is some...

Too Comfortable a Keyboard Warrior !

                                                                      Emotion , Explosion , Temptation , Salvation , Recession , Aggression , Taxation , Damnation ! I am but a keyboard warrior who for some reason unknown to myself , must write these things down on how it feels to be human in this 21st century . It wasn't an epiphany that got me going , rather it was the involuntary bowing down to everything life , government , the stalling of improvement in our daily lives , that has re-awakened delusions of the Utopian ideal long since surrendered and abandoned in an earlier existence .                                                                 ...