The lengths we go to just to assert ourselves .The time we spend just wanting not approval but validation in our everyday lives . You see the great obstructions in our lives , the things that stop us from progressing and going forward ,are the things we have created ourselves as part of our defence mechanisms , that will only allow us to go so far . Will only allow us to take two steps forward and always one step back . What is it that restrains us all ? Why are we so unforgiving of ourselves ? I mean we haven't committed some unspeakable crime or crimes that need to be hidden away . That need us to move house , lock stock and barrel , just to feel safe and whole . That make us feel less challenged , and maybe , just maybe a little less uncomfortable ?
We have all taken the weight of the world on our not too broad shoulders and made it ours . We clamor and demonstrate how unfair our system of existence is , and yet we are not prepared to change . We constrain ourselves with the safety of whats expected and whats tolerable . We all know everything needs to change . You know its obvious , its looking at you straight in the face and its pleading with you to just try something different . But you just can't ignore the hype . You just can't ignore the fear that surrounds change . The powers that be want you to be
afraid . They want you in fear of change . They want you sticking to the old reliable's as they like to call themselves , with their painted smiles and forever promises to make your circumstances more agreeable . And then when you trust in their bullshit , they do what they're good at and let you down in an unsurprising way .
As I've said many times before , its hard to progress when you're not prepared to move your feet . Its hard to accomplish anything when you just can't see this . You're stuck , and you have become the immovable object !
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