How AMAZING it is to Just Talk to You !

                                                                       I have been writing quite a few years now , and it never ceases to amaze me where my readers come from and just how powerful the internet is . Today I would like to welcome readers from Nepal , Bangladesh and India to our enlightened pages . Just goes to show the power of sharing !
                                                                       Hitherto I wouldn't have had

any reason to assume the importance of anything I have written , but as time goes by I go over many of the blogs I have written and each time I do that I get a better understanding not just of the blog , but also why I wrote the thing in the first place . Because believe me , when I sit down and do exactly what I'm doing now , I have no agenda , I have no notes beside me reminding me of what I have to say or more importantly how to say it. Hence , and without apology , The understanding you might take away from it , can be so much different from say somebody else . There lies the mystery !
                                                                       The beauty of conversation can be simply summed up by a description no better than amazing ! I want to relate to you ! I want a system of understanding that is simple to identify and therefore simple to use . You would think this is straightforward and a universal condition . But simple it could never be . I am writing , you are reading , you are understanding I hope what I am trying to get across . But think about this , if you don't on a day to day basis connect and communicate with others then you are not understanding your usefulness and more importantly your obligation to yourself , yes to share with others , but also to educate and train yourself .
                                                                      Writing in the new language of text is not communication , it is for need of a better translation trash -talk . Virtual talk , immemorable talk !
                                                                      This sad addition to our everyday lives has no real meaning or time lasting function . It is temporary . It won't educate you , It certainly won't make you popular in a REAL sense . It is on so many different levels , rude in company to which you can always expect derisive looks tainted with a hint of anger .
Because it's Beautiful !
                                                                      If you are reading this , then you are reading to understand me , my view , my opinion . Thank you for taking the time in your day to communicate , even without reply and from the number of views received , it makes sense of why I took to writing this in the first place ! 


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