Yellow being Immune to the Macron Strain !

                                                                        Oh God , not another post Christmas blog . Well if I am being honest , and because of today's date and it's proximity to the Christmas date , I suppose it's difficult to see how it would not be considered a post Christmas blog taking all things into consideration . Let us shy away from everything holly & ivy and simply relaunch ourselves shall we ? So with that firmly established and our thoughts firmly on the future , let us pave the way for an almighty entrance in to the New Year .
                                                                       Now as you know , being privy to a number of very private and important scoops over the previous twelve months , which have all come true I need add , I find myself in a position of having to be a whistleblower Again !
                                                                       As we all know whistleblowing is becoming a very dangerous occupation/pastime for some individuals . Take Julian Assange , Edward Snowden and other like-minded concerned citizens for instance , and you'll realise exactly how fraught with danger and skulduggery blowing your whistle has become . I have no fear of said consequences ! I am in my sixties , I have nothing to fear but fear itself . What will they do ? Send me to an Irish Gulag for reformation ? Raise the retirement age to 99 with regard to me ? Increase Carbon Tax ? I suppose anything is possible , and in these times highly probable .
                                                                      It has come to my attention , that certain leaders of the world are in fact Parasitic viruses and not human at all. Launched on a public so used to being the butt of their collective mischief , that in all honesty said public have been de-sensitized and have in fact no stomach or idea how to combat this onslaught . As you know a virus cannot be treated by normal antibiotics , not these viruses anyway . These viruses respect only one type of reaction , Utter Contempt .
                                                                     Now it seems there are some countries who are in fact fighting back against this upsurge in virulent leadership . France seemingly have a new design of protective Yellow Vest that seems to be immune to the Macron Strain . Other countries have asked their assistance with regard to a similar vest , and as of today the Yellow Vest movement have endorsed the sharing of information and their design to anyone interested .
                                                                    You know something ? It's getting harder and harder to write stuff that means anything anymore . It is so frustrating not having the wherewithal to simply act and make some sort of difference . I am seemingly using t

he word apathy a lot lately . It's this human setting that is holding us all back . How can you trust your politicians and government when they are Parasites , Legitimate Thieves , Ill Informed Jackasses who are really not fit for purpose .
                                                                   I have a love for life , for my family for everything that is beautiful about the world ! But Sometimes it Just Feels and Looks so Ugly !




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