Whats the point in wasting your energy on the negative ? Or having nightmares about how you wanna look , a size Zero maybe . And whats the answer to our existence , and where have we come from ? These are questions you ask throughout your life , and the honest answer is who the f... knows , and am I really bothered ? These are trends and fears the media pile out all the time to terrorize and pull you round to their way of thinking . Be careful out there its a jungle ! Yeah we know its a jungle , so what should we do to protect ourselves , you might ask ?
                                                       A wise man once said , that being angry with someone is like taking poison and hoping that someone gets sick . Not very clever you might say , but day in day out our lives are filled with nonsense such as that example . We poison ourselves with anger , we make ourselves sick with hate , we then need narcotics to cool us down , don't wanna run off the rails now do we ? Its a vicious circle and one we need to break for our own well being  . So next time you're faced with an anger you are trying to suppress , be it toward someone or something , look inside yourself for calm , ITS THERE ALRIGHT , hiding maybe but believe me its there , and turn round and walk away .
                                                      You deserve more than this , you are a wonder of the world , you are a perfect specimen of change , and above all else YOU ARE ME !


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