The Wolf That Needs Feeding The Most !

                                                                      A native American boy and his father went out into the countryside to get in touch with nature , knowing how spiritual American Indians are ! They played , they talked , they enjoyed each others uninterrupted company .
                                                                      In the evening they made their fire , and cooked some food enjoying the freedom of the open spaces . The father , as all fathers was very protective of his son , and was forever passing on stories of the old world with all their hidden meanings and traditions . This evening was going to be no exception
 for the young boy !
                                                                      The father began , son you must always try to be the best that you can be , and always honour your parents , but most of all honour yourself ! Inside of us all  there are two wolves , a good wolf and a bad wolf . And how do we know which one is bad and which one is good the boy asked . Now thats a difficult question to answer he replied , because things aren't always as obvious as they seem .The bad wolf can easily convince you that what they tell you is the truth and so you're easily swayed . So how can I decide which one is bad and which one is good he asked again , feeling confused , and what can I do to make sure I make the right choice ? The father replied , in life we feed both wolves , with our deeds and our actions , and you will eventually discover THE WOLF THAT NEEDS FEEDING THE MOST !


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