
More Aliens !

                                                                 Before you decide to read this piece , I must warn you in advance , That it will Shock , It will Provoke , It will Frighten , But most Importantly It Will Make You and the Rest of Mankind  re-think about what it is That Haunts us All at this stage of our Humanity ! Going Forward You Have Been Warned !                                                                  Since as long as I can remember , I've been of the idea that the usual bullshit churned out by governments , soothsayers , Alarmists and the fucked up media in general , is there to question . It is there to rebel against ! It is simply there to promote Global Fear ! And boy do these bastards know how to Intimidate your very existence .                                                                  Just read today , one of these so called doomsday experts expressing the opinion that Global Annihilation is but one touch of one button away from happening !

Another Slaughter of Innocents !

                                                            It's been a while ! But over the last few days I've been screaming inside !                                                              As we have seen from the media and their outlets , Slaughter has once again reared it's ugly and too predictable head , leaving 19 Children and Two Adult teachers Dead ! Innocents All , taken because the Terrorist State known as America has once again abandoned Decency , Has Denied children the prospect of  a full life , and in the face of Public Scrutiny has failed to Protect its most Vulnerable .                                                              If you have never heard of the N.R.A , National Rifle Association , well be informed they are the most Influential Institution lining , Senators , Governors , Ex Presidents  pockets . They rule America ! They don't want gun control , all they want is bigger sales of their Murderous weapons ! The publics safety is never an

War is Evil ! Only The Innocent Perish !

                                                                           War is Evil ! There are no words shocking enough to describe War ! Many millions of people have died in War fighting for what their collective leaders have justified as the only way to get what they want . Do we believe for one minute , that the rhetoric we hear from Presidents , Kings , Sheikhs and all sorts of despotic leaders is a justifiable reason to destroy peoples lives ? Well I suppose that depends on the individual , doesn't it ? Families can and do be divided on what and who they believe in . That's what you get when someone , has a choice and invariably chooses to exercise their right to use it ! Freedom of speech , freedom of thought , freedom to engage in whatever Ism or belief you have  made yourself open to . But There lies the problem . So instead of constructive dialogue and meeting of minds to prevent War and the losing of lives , Our Fucking crazy leaders group together and appoint som

My Hip Is In Shite !

                                                         Today was a good day ! I suppose if I come to think about it the last week was a good week also ! It's kinda hard to work out at times how I am feeling about something , especially when you'e not really thinking about anything . It doesn't really help does it ? I mean to be thinking about something there is so much you have to consider . There's the negative aspect , there's the positive aspect , and then there's the couldn't care less aspect . I'm kinda drawn to the latter as of late . It bears no grudges , it bears no drama , and it's seriously easy on the brain . Yes it's been a very good week !                                                         I like to think that I am a private person ( he who writes a blog ), and I like my privacy to be just that private . So you'll never see me sharing a photo of me hobbling because my hip is in shite . You'll never hear of me eating

Thank You For Your Patience !

                                                                   I have been thinking recently . Now that can be dangerous depending on the subject matter . I said to myself its been a while , you know , thinking about things ? Since my wife Catherine doesn't really approve of such actions , be they dangerous or otherwise , I had to do this secretly not needing to have her sitting on my shoulder editing and such . But by the end of this piece I'm sure she'll have approved my efforts in her own special way !                                                                    Going to sleep last night I received this epiphany , as you do as you're just about to drop off . Not really looking forward to putting up decorations and such , untangling Christmas lights , even though I do remember wrapping them safely last year , I still hadn't put it to the top of my to do list . So for all of you fellow worriers out there I am about to The  reveal the Revelation of the dec

It Can be Really That Simple at Times !

MAYBE !                                                                        Look I have listened to you long enough to know , that what you are proposing is a complete change in my mindset , and to be honest under different circumstances I might just do what you are proposing . But in my more idealistic , and serious personal state at the moment , I will choose balance , rather than change .This choice of mine of course , does not mean that I intend to remain in limbo , as it were , but no , just like the famous Phoenix Rising from the ashes I have reserved the right to alter any and everything that I have promised previously . More like an , out with the old and in with the new type of approach .                                                                       Now as most of you already know , I am not one to entertain change too easily . I tend to be of the belief that if its not broke , well don't try to fix it . How many times has someone tried to improve on someth

Phraktal Solstice Summer 2021
