My Hip Is In Shite !

                                                         Today was a good day ! I suppose if I come to think about it the last week was a good week also ! It's kinda hard to work out at times how I am feeling about something , especially when you'e not really thinking about anything . It doesn't really help does it ? I mean to be thinking about something there is so much you have to consider . There's the negative aspect , there's the positive aspect , and then there's the couldn't care less aspect . I'm kinda drawn to the latter as of late . It bears no grudges , it bears no drama , and it's seriously easy on the brain . Yes it's been a very good week !
                                                        I like to think that I am a private person ( he who writes a blog ), and I like my privacy to be just that private . So you'll never see me sharing a photo of me hobbling because my hip is in shite . You'll never hear of me eating Ibuprofen just because at times my head feels like it's imploding ! You'll never hear of me being skint because I bought something inanely stupid and all because I felt there was a need to just buy something , Anything ! No these are not the actions of someone who is trying to be honest with themselves , No these are the actions of someone who is genuinely trying to deflect responsibility for their own failures !
                                                       So what does that tell you about me ? Nothing really I suppose , because I choose to be an enigma . A mystery ! I realize that my interpretation of me is probably not at all like someone else's interpretation of me . That said I have often wanted my life and times to be like an open book , but unfortunately I cannot give in to that sort of drama . Dramatic I am ! Ridiculous at times I can be ! Definitely stubborn to a fault , but easy to convince otherwise .
                                                       I once had a lot of hair , but not so much nowadays . I used to be fit ( well maybe that's an overstatement ) , and now like all the people around my age I find it difficult to trot to the car in a rain shower . These silly little things do kinda piss me off . You won't hear your elderly mother's or father's complain about this , they will suffer in silence because they take pride in who they are and what they are . They will have settled for an easy life ! They will have settled for not being the first person to board or disembark from a flight that in all honesty they had been dreading since the booking was made . And oh the relief when they get back home and just sit in their favourite armchair , and reflect on how every bone in their bodies are aching from the need to just relax . You see you won't really see any of these things , and they certainly won't share with the world any of these things , Why ? Simply Put they are inclined for it to remain their problem AND NOT YOURS !


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