It Can be Really That Simple at Times !

                                                                       Look I have listened to you long enough to know , that what you are proposing is a complete change in my mindset , and to be honest under different circumstances I might just do what you are proposing . But in my more idealistic , and serious personal state at the moment , I will choose balance , rather than change .This choice of mine of course , does not mean that I intend to remain in limbo , as it were , but no , just like the famous Phoenix Rising from the ashes I have reserved the right to alter any and everything that I have promised previously . More like an , out with the old and in with the new type of approach .
                                                                      Now as most of you already know , I am not one to entertain change too easily . I tend to be of the belief that if its not broke , well don't try to fix it . How many times has someone tried to improve on something , and in the end lost sight of why it was successful in the first place ? So I have always approached change with a lot of skepticism , some cynicism , plenty of questions , and the results being that far more problems were encountered than answers received . Though to be quite honest I don't really make it easy when I attempt any transformation like this . I tend to put in place many many hurdles , that can be near impossible to get over .
                                                                      I suppose in reading this it would be easy to assume that I simply do not have a taste for change ? Maybe you're right . I just feel that if I am going to change my outlook or my way of dealing with things , it should be my choice and not at the behest of somebody else . Do you get where I am coming from ? People seem to think very selfishly , that if it is working for them then its safe to assume that it's going to be suitable for me . Now anyone who knows me at all , will understand that I am not exactly the easiest to convince about anything . For Example , if it has been proposed to change the brand of soap I currently use , then you will have to leave it with me for a while , until I consider all of my options . These are serious matters , and are not taken lightly .
                                                                     Yes it's okay to move on , but alternatively , it's also okay to remain where you have been always quite

comfortable . Never accept change at face value . Never accept it even if you are told you have no choice . You always have a choice .When you are asked to change something in your life , most of the time it's either to improve somebody else's position , or there is some hidden agenda that you at that time are not privy to .
                                                                     I suppose you can sense my cynicism in this piece , it was never really intended to be like that . But sometimes Things are just what they are . It can really be that simple at times !


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