Thank You For Your Patience !
Going to sleep last night I received this epiphany , as you do as you're just about to drop off . Not really looking forward to putting up decorations and such , untangling Christmas lights , even though I do remember wrapping them safely last year , I still hadn't put it to the top of my to do list . So for all of you fellow worriers out there I am about to The reveal the Revelation of the decade ! No maybe the century , could possibly be the Millenia . Get ready for this I'm about to blow your respective socks and tights off !
Here we go ! I have contacted the Patent offices in Ireland just to make sure No one , I repeat No one , can steal this wonderful idea from underneath me . Okay , picture this , walking down your respective streets , and in every other garden there are Projectors , projecting images of Santa , Snow mobiles , Elves dressed in fancy costumes etc. etc. I think you get the idea ?
Now imagine this ! Instead of a projector , You get yourself a Hologram enhancer , Three Cameras , Hologramming Holograms all over your downstairs sitting room , dining room and Kitchen if the need requires it . Instant Decorations at the flick of a switch . No more hours Wasted on putting up decorations , and the savings to the Planet would be IMMENSE !
There'd be no more people falling off ladders Killing themselves ! There'd be huge savings on plastics ( which we don't need anyway ) , Less trees would be cut down as a result . All in All Said Hologram / Holograms would save huge amounts in all aspects on our Wasteful Planet .
These ideas , and rough sketches have been sent to the relevant people . I have had wonderful reactions from Mattel , and most of the big toy companies . Even the light & sound people in Hollywood have shown an interest .
My fond readers , who have been most patient in the last few months , due to my lack of material shared , are once again privileged to be the receivers of Another Scoop shared to them Exclusively once again .
I have been working painstakingly on this for a long time now . Thank You For Your Patience !
As Always 💓💓💓🙏🙏🙏
P.S Needless to say I will keep all Of you , My Fond friends and Readership
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