Another Slaughter of Innocents !

                                                            It's been a while ! But over the last few days I've been screaming inside ! 

                                                            As we have seen from the media and their outlets , Slaughter has once again reared it's ugly and too predictable head , leaving 19 Children and Two Adult teachers Dead ! Innocents All , taken because the Terrorist State known as America has once again abandoned Decency , Has Denied children the prospect of  a full life , and in the face of Public Scrutiny has failed to Protect its most Vulnerable . 

                                                            If you have never heard of the N.R.A , National Rifle Association ,
well be informed they are the most Influential Institution lining , Senators , Governors , Ex Presidents  pockets . They rule America ! They don't want gun control , all they want is bigger sales of their Murderous weapons ! The publics safety is never an issue here , and never will be . The idea that all Americans have the right to bear arms is Legendary . This is what happens when a country has gotten itself stuck ethically , and historically in the quagmire that was the Wild Wild West .

                                                            America has never progressed ! Its laws have stood still . When it was time to abandon the gun , they simply and tragically for hundreds of innocent children , maintained their Collective Cowboy pursuits and convinced everyone they needed a semi automatic rifle under their pillows to protect themselves . WELL IT HASN'T WORKED ! 


                      Even your presidents are comfortable supporting Apartheid regimes . It kinda gives you an idea what you're dealing with . 

                                                            America , you are a Disgrace to Human Kind ! You are Not Fit to be described as Civilized ! You are That Rotten Apple at the bottom of the Barrel that Infects and spoils everything good in the World .

                                                            Will you learn from this ? Will you act Accordingly in defense of the innocents ? Will you show the rest of the world that you have a Conscience and are Willing to try and improve a Really Brutal situation ? Well The World would maybe like to hold it's collective breath in Anticipation , but Alas we all know the only thing that matters to Y'ALL , MONEY , PROFITS , Certainly not a Few Innocent lives Lost because of your Collective GREED ! 


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