More Aliens !

                                                                 Before you decide to read this piece , I must warn you in advance , That it will Shock , It will Provoke , It will Frighten , But most Importantly It Will Make You and the Rest of Mankind  re-think about what it is That Haunts us All at this stage of our Humanity ! Going Forward You Have Been Warned !

                                                                 Since as long as I can remember , I've been of the idea that the usual bullshit churned out by governments , soothsayers , Alarmists and the fucked up media in general , is there to question . It is there to rebel against ! It is simply there to promote Global Fear ! And boy do these bastards know how to Intimidate your very existence . 

                                                                Just read today , one of these so called doomsday experts expressing the opinion that Global Annihilation is but one touch of one button away from happening ! He insists while looking very serious in his 2000 dollar suit . His gold cufflinks , and his armani glasses , that we don't have much time left and that everyone should get their collective houses in order . You see this fucker understands and realizes that his audience of programmable sheep will eat all of this up .Will add to it , will sensationalize it making life and it's living a complete nightmare . Sending people to their analysts and demanding medication just to deal with this shit . The mind Fucking Boggles !

                                                               The pope has declared himself half fit to continue with his duties ! He has a bad knee . But because of his age and his deteriorating abilities to fulfill his duties , he will organize a Cardinal Making ceremony just in case he needs to resign like his predecessor Pope Benedict the so called protector of Pedophiles . Oh by the way I forgot to mention the fact that the bishops vying for cardinal Status , all but 18 of them will be over the Age of 80 ! Riddled probably with Alhzeimers or some other degenerative disease known so well in the Vatican . I wonder why its so important to the mafia in the Vatican that All popes coming in freshly elected need to be practically on their collective death beds ? You'd think that a younger man might do a more efficient job in weeding out the Pedophiles the Vatican constantly Protects . I'll be honest , It's just a thought .

                                                              In all of the time I've been on this earth I've questioned shit .Sometimes to my advantage , and at times to my complete disadvantage . Earlier on in my life shit was kinda simple , but the shit they're asking you to deal with now is totally off the Fucking Scale . Pandemics (Probably Man Made ) just like Aids , and now we Have Monkey Pox ! Man Made ? Whose to know ? But to be honest I am getting a pain in the Ass from all of it . I mean it's Not Healthy is it ? There's nothing Positive about it ? Before all of this shit you didn't have to put in 56 numbers into your electricity SMART METER to access your electricity did you ? Before  all you had to do was get up in the morning , go to work , come home to your lovely wife and children watch television have sex and sleep , for as you thought the rest of your life ! Oh I forgot to admit I am just 70 years old ! Not an excuse I need add , just a statement of fact .

                                                              I have so much more to say at this point , but my typewriting skills are mediocre at best , Shite if I'm being honest . So if you have learned anything from this shite I've written , I hope it helps you to ignore
All of the Fear they've thrown at you . Remember this , the people who say and promote these things are just People , just like you and me . Though to be honest every time I consider the Americans , I cannot free my mind from comparing them to Fucking Aliens !

                                                      For your Patience and Time THANK YOU xxx


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