
You Deserve Each Other !

                                                                 This will be short and sweet . America , are you really serious about Donald Trump ? That hairdo , it kinda gives the game away . If someone who wants to be President of the United States of America , cannot see fit to lose that thing on his head , and he gets any sort of support from the electorate , well................................You kinda deserve each other !

Wanting to be You !

                                                                     Once upon a time , in a place far far removed from what we are used to of late , existed a place that was fully invested in its inhabitants .They used to come and go without supervision or worry for their welfare . They were what you might call free spirits , and free being the operative word . Their main goal in life was the welfare and happiness , not just of themselves , but more importantly the welfare and happiness of others . Now others didn't mean somebody who was in close proximity to them , no , others meant exactly that , strangers , aliens , people of a different disposition to themselves , outsiders even .                                                                     Their whole philosophy in life was designed and written by people of a warm nature , and of an extreme friendly persuasion  . They seldom had to deal with ugly scenes in their place of inhabitance , in fact something like that woul

Healthy Happy Puppies !

                                                                       Do you know something ? I find it amazing , and it has confirmed what I have always thought , that animal stories about the animals themselves and their owners will always raise an eyebrow when it comes to reading about them and their furry exploits . I don't know what it is about the animal kingdom , but they have cornered the market in anything relating to their mischievous behaviour . All they have to do is smile , pant , or just lie on top of you to bring out  thousands of oohs and aahs .                                                                       The reason I am bringing this up is quite simple really . After yesterdays update about Diamond and her babies , I have been inundated with inquiries as to their health and their welfare . So rather than answer each inquiry separately , and believe me it would take a while , I will simply say that mother and babies are all well and in tip top health . I

Diamond the Frenchie and Babies Update !

                                                                      It takes a certain kind of somebody to make things feel special in your life doesn't it ? I mean if you didn't have that somebody doing things for you and wondering after you , life would seem a little empty I feel . With that in mind I would like to convey a little story to you . Nothing too dramatic or disturbing , just a little ditty about how simple things can be in a world that is so very often too difficult and complicated to begin with .                                                                      This story involves true heroism and one persons ability to put personal danger aside , and give help to someone else truly in need of assistance .                                                                     As you know from some of my earlier blogs , a certain Diamond the Frenchie gave birth to seven puppies three weeks ago . And you also know that only six survived , and I can bring you t

Who likes Predictability ?

                                                                         Its impossible to say whether one is meant to be happy , or whether one is meant to be miserable . I know we all have our times in life when certain things just do it for you . Simple things , nothing too extraordinary , but it's the difference between sitting down and enjoying your dinner as opposed to your precious dinner being tasteless .                                                                         The thing is though , we are all open to being effected , we are all wide open to abuse . You can just exist in your own bubble without it having any influence on someone else . But the majority of us tend to depend on the influence of others , both positive and negative . It's not that as individuals we need to have that other person agree with us all of the time , its just comfortable and appeasing .                                                                         At this very moment in

People of Ireland , WILL YOU NEVER LEARN ?

                                                                    I am sorry to say that when someone does something unfavourable toward a society or person it can tend to make your self preservation antennae stand up . It makes you a little more cautious when it comes to having any more dealings with them , I think that's safe enough to say ? I mean as the old saying goes " Fool me once shame on you , Fool me twice shame on me .I have always been of that opinion and to be honest it has always stood me in good stead too .                                                                    How anyone , having been shit upon by a society or some individual , can just sit back and allow the same thing to happen again is truthfully beyond me . Do people have such short memories that don't include personal abuse that has happened to them over and over again ? Do they not understand that in life and politics they do have a choice ? Do they not grasp the importance of , if its

Get Down to that Polling Station and Vote . NOW !

                                                                     This little piece will be short and sweet . I just feel that it needs to be said and that people need to be reminded about certain things .                                                                      While you're maybe at home today , or in work , and you've had not a particularly nice day , and you're saying to yourself its a bit cold out there , and its pissing rain too . Do I really need to go ALL THE WAY DOWN to the polling station to cast my vote ? Sure my vote won't matter in the least , ah f... it I'll just sit here on facebook or something and relax . Yeah that's just what I'll do , no worries .                                                                      All I will say to that sort of attitude is " Get your skinny arse down to that polling station NOW ! " Do you not realize that millions of people around the world have died giving you that vote . And n