
Stop Acting Like a C... !

                                                                      It serves me well to write when the best part of my day is through . It kinda filters all of the negativity we are surrounded by day after day , and cleanses the mind of any anger or feelings of helplessness . I know there are people out there who might like to do the same , and all I can tell you is that once you get past the need to be concerned about what someone might think about your writing , then you are on the road to fulfillment .                                                                      Sometimes , in fact a lot of the time , the mind gets cluttered wi...

Just Get On With Your Life !

                                                                         I'd like to relate a little story to you . You see I have this friend who I have known for more years than I care to remember if I am being honest . He tends to visit me from time to time , he is someone I have a lot of time for because at times he kinda reminds me of myself . He has always been there for me , and I'd like to think that I have been there for him as well . He is the type of person who does not suffer fools gladly . He has a very small circle of friends , and has explained the reason for that in great detail at times , that I am in a way in agreement with a lot of his off the wall findings and opinions . Never one to stand on ceremony , but I think always aware of other peoples feelings when in conversation , or when ...

Re-Defining Oneself !

                                                      Thank you for all those wonderful comments in relation to specific blogs . It kinda makes it all worthwhile . I know there are many among us who would rather that certain subjects were not spoken of . Maybe they feel that if its left alone it will disappear , not so . I find that its easier to talk about things via this blog . And if something strikes a chord with you , it makes it so much more real . There is great comfort to be taken in others experiencing the same as yourself , it can give you some little sense of ownership of a particular problem or distraction . It makes it appear not quite normal , but acceptable . The more something is locked away the more it tends to fester and grow , and from experience that's not the way you want to go . I mean if you don't want something in your life , that...

Witchery / Bitchery The Sentiment is the Same !

                                                                     What do you think it is that separates people of consideration from people who just couldn't give a damn ? What is it that separates the people you want to be like , from the people you wouldn't give the time of day to ? I mean we are all born the same way . We all go to school for our educational needs . If we have half decent parents we will always have someone to explain our good news and our bad to . And I suppose the same could be said ( with a little trepidation included ) with regard to our siblings too . So where is it , that something sinister goes wrong , and what you are left with is some evil bitch who just wants to do you no good ? And don't think for one minute I am ignoring the male population here , I include them most certainly w...

Bloodless Coup ! Nauru Update !

                                                                      Following on from last nights revelations about the abduction of several heads of state in a series of simultaneously executed coups across the globe , it has been brought to my attention that none of this information or details of it have been released by the regular media . I suppose that they all may be too embarrassed that their collective security administrations have been found to be wanting . Or maybe , which is more likely , all of their fellow politicians are just sick to death of their constant screwing up of their countries economic and political profiles .                                                   ...

Breaking News ! Courtesy of Alternative News Service !

                                                                    Welcome to an alternative version of the news . It is not meant to provoke , though it just might .It is not meant to be sarcastic , but it probably will . It is not meant to be damning of any one individual or group , but it certainly will . And finally , it is not going to be deliberately misleading , but when this brain of mine gets into gear ( and it doesn't happen very often ) , it can say and make me do things , that afterwards , well ............maybe on reflection I shouldn't have said in the first place . But don't blame me personally , I have age on my side , and I tend to forget things when someone confronts me about things I may or may not have said . As we all know , everything is open to interpretation , and one mans yes , could easily be...

Never in a Month of Sundays !

                                                                       You're an American ( Lets Pretend ) , and you've received your Jury Duty papers , with a possibility that you Might be even chosen . You want to do your duty and be part of the democratic system of law . You are being honoured by a system dating back generations and you are confident you will do this to the best of your ability .                                                                         After many an interview to ascertain your suitability , you've been chosen . You are asked to attend on a particular date , and have no knowledge about the details of...