Just Get On With Your Life !

                                                                         I'd like to relate a little story to you . You see I have this friend who I have known for more years than I care to remember if I am being honest . He tends to visit me from time to time , he is someone I have a lot of time for because at times he kinda reminds me of myself . He has always been there for me , and I'd like to think that I have been there for him as well . He is the type of person who does not suffer fools gladly . He has a very small circle of friends , and has explained the reason for that in great detail at times , that I am in a way in agreement with a lot of his off the wall findings and opinions . Never one to stand on ceremony , but I think always aware of other peoples feelings when in conversation , or when he decides to highlight his views . Which to be honest is not very often . But as always when he decides that he has something to say , I have to admit I am always ready to listen no matter what time of the day it is or what day of the week . Let me explain fully .
                                                                        Though he wouldn't like to admit it , there have been times in his life when he kinda lost sight of the big picture . He lost sight of the most important things in his life , and as a result went to a place that was kinda hard to come back from . Not a nice place I need add , but come back from it he did . Only for the support and help around him , that he never fully understood , was he able to turn his life around .
                                                                       There was this one time when he was working , when he had just been promoted to a job that to be honest he had not got the qualifications , or ability to function without it being a really arduous ask . He , as I remember him telling me , used to go to work dreading not just the work itself , but the actual getting up in the morning , the preparation , the eight hours of drudgery and stress that would define his day . He would come home in the evening feeling crucified , and as often was the case , nobody knew except me , what he was actually going through .He would explain all of the detail that made him feel this way , and to be honest I never really had any answers for him . All I could really do was listen .
                                                                      Then something really strange happened . It was like he just said to himself that he had had enough . You see the stress and the pain was really getting to him . He developed all sorts of disorders . He suffered from continuous chest pains . He started taking all sorts of supplements and herbal remedies he could get his hands on . If he got a twitch in his back , he would google it and somewhere in that google explanation , he would find something that he would liken to his own affliction . Believe it or not , because I have known him that well , he took three months off work . He just couldn't face the stress involved . He was doing his wife's head in , so much so , one day out of the blue she had had enough of his not facing what the real problem was , she just blasted out with "If you can't handle it , just fuc.... Resign " . When he told me , I had to agree that not a lot of tact was used in that statement . But I did actually agree with his poor wife's observations . Painful but true .
                                                                    They only had one child , and she was too young to fully understand exactly what was going on . So it was easy to make up excuses as to why daddy was not going to work . She was told daddy is not feeling well .Daddy has pains in his back and he is going to relaxation therapy to try and find a way to relax him . All she ever heard during those three months was DADDY needs this , DADDY needs that and DADDY is not well enough to do anything .
                                                                    The reason I am writing about this friend of mine , has two effecting elements . The obvious one to anyone looking in from the outside , was that this stress and anxiety were killing him . It was eating away at him . His mind had created so many things wrong with him , that to be honest he didn't actually know his arse from his elbow . He was taking all sorts of medication , that in the end he just had to stop . He had to stop with the anxiety medication . He had to stop with all of his supplements and herbal medicines . With that tactless statement by his wife , it brought him to realize that all of his problems were psychosomatic . The pains he was feeling were created by his inability to cope with the anxiety and stress  that had enveloped his being .
                                                                   Though he wouldn't admit to it ,
 he confessed to me later , that little outburst by his wife was what really saved him . He was going nowhere fast , and something had to be done to make him realize that he didn't have to live this way .
                                                                   I haven't seem him in a long time , but I have informed him about his story I just had to share . You see he came out at the other end a really better person .I know he will be pleased , so that in itself will be good enough for me . Stress and anxiety does not have to be a life sentence , you just have to find its source , deal with it , and then Just Get On With Your Life !  


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