Re-Defining Oneself !

                                                      Thank you for all those wonderful comments in relation to specific blogs . It kinda makes it all worthwhile . I know there are many among us who would rather that certain subjects were not spoken of . Maybe they feel that if its left alone it will disappear , not so . I find that its easier to talk about things via this blog . And if something strikes a chord with you , it makes it so much more real . There is great comfort to be taken in others experiencing the same as yourself , it can give you some little sense of ownership of a particular problem or distraction . It makes it appear not quite normal , but acceptable . The more something is locked away the more it tends to fester and grow , and from experience that's not the way you want to go . I mean if you don't want something in your life , that's your decision , and you just keep saying that to yourself and mean it , and then just let it go .
                                                      There is nothing worse than having deep deep thoughts coming to the surface when all you want is peace . I know you can't help how you feel , but that doesn't stop it happening . There are ways round it , you just have to believe that doing yourself an injury is just not an option . Its so easy to get caught up in all the emotion of a particular demon that might be trying to destroy you , but that's all it is a demon created by your subconscious . Its not real . it can't hurt you , but I understand its like that proverbial monkey on your shoulder , and he can be quite convincing when he needs to be .
                                                     Do yourself a favour and banish him to the place he deserves to be , oblivion . Seal him in a box , close that box , and never open it again . Train yourself in these sort of thoughts , every day as you already know will be a mountain to climb , but you will get there . You will find that corner of your life that makes it wonderful to wake in the morning . You will amaze yourself at how positive you can become as you ride that road of re-defining yourself . Its not going to be easy , no one ever said it was going to be easy , but you can make it so much more fulfilling by fighting that bastard , than letting that bastard win .



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