Bloodless Coup ! Nauru Update !

                                                                      Following on from last nights revelations about the abduction of several heads of state in a series of simultaneously executed coups across the globe , it has been brought to my attention that none of this information or details of it have been released by the regular media . I suppose that they all may be too embarrassed that their collective security administrations have been found to be wanting . Or maybe , which is more likely , all of their fellow politicians are just sick to death of their constant screwing up of their countries economic and political profiles .
                                                                     I mean its no secret , that some of their actions , though very serious , are downright laughable .  We know about Joe Bidens obsession with giving so much of the American tax dollar to Israel . It would make you wonder though , who is steering this ridiculous attempt at world domination , wouldn't you ? From a personal standpoint , is enough ever enough ? Obviously for these fools who are suffering deeply from what has developed overnight into " Acute Fucking Idiot Syndrome " , enough is never enough . Well another four weeks of treatment will definitely sort them all out . It has been reported though , that secretly Biden and Netanyahu want to be room mates . Seemingly they are both getting very loved up over there in Nauru . There is no explanation available at the moment for their strange , if loving behaviour , but the Psychologists on hand are keeping a close eye on a real development there .
                                                                    Tomorrow I will be reporting on certain rumours that have been emanating from Dail Eireann . It appears that Fine Gael leader Leo the Leech Varadkar
 has been seen frequenting Mr Micheal Martin's constituency in Cork . He has been seen wandering around a sheep farm aimlessly , and continues to object to any sort of intervention by the local mental health agencies . The authorities are getting extremely concerned for the BEAUTIFUL sheep .It appears Leo has a reputation in Dublin for being VERY FOND of the ANIMALS . Details are a little sketchy at the moment , and when we get more detail , I will be the first to bring you all on board .
                                                                   This is your contact to the Political Establishment , HENWATCH , wishing you all a lovely evening . Take care out there , it looks like some hot weather is on the way . XOX


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