
Learning to Re-Adapt ! An Obvious Solution !

                                                                          Be warned , I have no idea where this is gonna go , and I don't even care . I have reached that time in my life where considering what is acceptable to others , doesn't really do it for me any more . You see those days of minding your p's and q's has long since left my understanding of how things should be . Something is either right or it is wrong . To be pursued , or ignored at all costs . I have considered those grey areas where nothing is ever decided , and ultimately are always put on hold , until such time as someone else deems it fit for general consumption .You have to protect others emotions don't you ? You have to forsake truth for some makey up version of it haven't you ? . These are the things and positions in life I am...

Jerome Silberman R.I.P You will be Sadly Missed !

Willy Wonka !                                                                         Being a little bit of a movie buff , I was really saddened today when hearing of the passing of the comedic genius that was Gene Wilder . Born Jerome Silberman in 1933 , he died today having suffered from Alzheimer's for some years . With wife Gilda Radner                                                                          In 1967 I remember going to the cinema to see the movie Bonnie & Clyde with Warren Beatty , Faye Dunaway , Gene Hackman , and the very very new Gene Wilder . From get go you couldn't be anything but imp...

Are you That Coward Hilary ?

                                                                  When it comes to believing in what you have been shown and taught about people who decide to put themselves out there to be elected in various positions in life , you should be fairly certain about who you decide to give your vote to . It is no longer safe to assume that just because your family and their families before them chose to support a certain party , that you should continue with the same tradition .                                                                   For certain parties things will always remain the same , but in a lot of instances what they might have deemed , policies t...

Teenagers Going Missing , An Alarming Trend !

                                                                           Practically every single day that you either look at media platforms , or news channels , you will hear of another teenager going missing . I as a senior member of society , as in being in my sixties , can remember with great certainty that the amount of teenagers going missing like this is a new kind of phenomenon . I am not saying for one minute that it didn't happen at all . But what I am saying is that the amount of teenagers that are constantly going missing is increasing day by day , something that no family and parents should ever have to suffer .                                                 ...

Learning From Your Mistakes !

                                                                    When people speak of happiness , what do you think it means to them ? When those same people pursue happiness what exactly are they trying to find ? Because as we all know quite well , happiness is made up of many shapes and forms . What makes you happy may be the exact opposite from someone else's perception of what it means and what is required by them .                                                                    You see from experience , there are lots of self made obstacles that prevent you from ever reaching that ultimate destination . Most moments of happiness are fleetin...

America ,The Fix is beginning to Backfire !

Seriously America ?                                                                          I've been following everything and anything American politics of late . It's so entertaining to say the least . I mean the two candidates are complete polar opposites , and yet not one of them is to be believed .                                                                          In one corner you have the obviously self proclaimed  racist  Donald Trump . And in the opposite corner you have that politically scorned woman Mrs. Hilary Clinton .                    ...

The Ultimate , Connected Individual !

                                                                          I'm finding it increasingly more difficult to make any real sense of myself lately . I've been talking to like minded people like myself , and they have , just like me come to the same conclusion . Its not like its a confusion or anything like that . Its more of a wanting of seclusion and separation that is spurring us all on . We have all spoken of the effects that such a stance induces , and to be honest they are not what you would call comfortable . In fact when spoken of , and approached they are downright scary .                                                              ...