
Brexit , A Massive Dress Rehearsal !

                                                                         As you know with all of my connections in governments across Europe and the rest of the world I need add , I have found it increasingly difficult to get any sort of scandal from any of my contacts recently . I suppose that would be the reason for my enforced lack of activity . I know that's no excuse when you have a readership of hundreds of thousands hanging on your every word . So with that in mind I am delighted to bring you serious updates on matters that appear to be bubbling on the surface at the moment .                                                               ...

Lost ! I'm at a Loss to Explain !

                                                                              I've been finding it increasingly difficult to concentrate on anything for any sort of long periods lately . I have also been finding it harder to focus , and keep focused , without having to try extremely hard to just maintain that sort of focus . The only way I can try and explain it to you is like this . You wake up in the morning and you try and grasp little hints as to what you were dreaming about during your sleeping hours . Only for those same hints to disappear without trace , leaving me at a loss trying to understand what the hell is going on . Does that make any sort of sense to you ? Remembering also , that what I am experiencing is no dream . This is all happening in real time .       ...

Looking For Someone To Blame !

                                                                          Lately I'm kinda wanting to question the motives and opinions of the younger generation . I understand that in terms of them wanting to have their say , that its very very important . I also understand that because they are young , at times they behave as if they are infallible . Maybe I am misunderstanding their motivation , or maybe I am misunderstanding their energy and enthusiasm when its directed at other members of society in a negative way .                                                                          Rather than look inwardly , s...

Britain is Out ! Let The World Take Notice !

                                                                        What an historic day ! Britain you have my utmost respect as a voting nation , having chosen to Exit the European Union . I understand it can't have been easy with everyone to a man frightening the bejesus out of you all with threats of doom and gloom . But throughout all of the fear tactics thrown at you , you were resolute . You were courageous . You have drawn that invisible line in the sand that says no more will you accept bullying from any of your economic neighbours . When it comes to voting on your future , it will be the British electorate and not some invisible entity who will determine what laws are passed . God the air must smell a little sweeter today in Britain ?                 ...

Living in the Land of Self Importance !

                                                                    What is it about us humans , that whenever someone has a great idea , someone wants to knock them down ? What sort of miserable bastards can be so full of jealousy and envy , that rather than see someone achieve something worthwhile they would rather see them fail ? And to be honest it doesn't have to be anything substantial that they achieve , but rather than wishing them well , a lot of people would simply make little of their achievement .                                                                     We have all witnessed a little of what I am touching upon here , and rather ...

Saying a Resounding NO TO EUROPE !

New World Order ? Vote EXIT !                                                                       Apologies for being absent for a while , but as you know a lot has been happening and I just couldn't get myself out of a not caring or or a just leave me alone type mode . Hopefully this temporary lapse has been addressed , maybe not , let's just see .                                                                       Last night I watched with great interest the debate on whether Britain should leave or stay in the E.U . And throughout the debate all I could sense was the threat of fear from the stay side . I mean its no great secret t...

John Donnelly , Laid to Rest !

The inimitable Mr. D.                                                                               I've been , by my standards , rather quiet for the last three weeks . What with being on holiday , trying to organize this and trying to organize that , I really had no inclination to put words and ideas around that probably didn't mean too much anyway . So I consciously avoided anything to do with social media , at least that was the plan . That plan went straight out the window as soon as I learned of the passing of one of Ireland's true musical lovers and directors .                                                                 ...