
W.T.F is Civilized about F.G.M ?

                                                            And now for something completely different from what I usually speak about . Normally I would speak about what is typically on the front pages of newspapers , or maybe that's hidden from you by newspapers . And most of the time it would involve people being sinned against by huge corporations . But I would like to share with you some information , though extremely important , but nevertheless has really not seen the light of day .                                                             I'd like to introduce to you a pillar of the African Community , a certain Mr. Yahya Abdul-Aziz Jemus Junkung Jammeh , who just happens to be ...

Deflecting Responsibility !

                                                                   When will people ever learn ? When will they stop blaming others for their own doing  ? They go through life blaming anybody other than themselves for all of their woes . Why won't they just take responsibility for all of their actions . You see that would be too simple , and that would be admitting that they have basically f..... up . They don't even realise that there are ways back from their situations , but no they simply dwell on them .                                                                    The generation of non acceptance , the generation of everybody else is to ...

The Smile That Takes Over From The Frown !

                                                                   You'd wonder why anyone would want to listen to the ravings of an aging member of society . When I say aging that could really apply to anybody , as we are all going through an aging process of one description or another . So let me narrow it down a little , someone who has enjoyed his fifties and someone who continues to enjoy life in his early sixties . Yes you'd wonder wouldn't you  , getting back to my original question ?                                                                    Its not as if I am offering bonuses or certain food stamps to attract attention . No all I...

No More The Fool , You Bastard's !

                      Now if America and one of its biggest allies in the middle east , Turkey , have decided to do this , its begs the obvious question WHY ? If the Russian bombers were allowed to use Turkish airspace in their honest bid to rid Syria of I.S.I.S , would it not seem obvious to the rest of us that America and Turkey were truthful in their support for the Russian bombardment , that I need add has been sanctioned by President Assad and his Syrian Parliament ? It would then appear that everyone was on the same page , wouldn't it ?                         But you see there lies the problem , they are not on the same page and obviously don't want to be . America have no interest in ridding us of I.S.I.S , nor do the Turks , because they are both too wrapped up in acquiring all of Syria's wealth and oil deposits . Its only when you sit down and ask yourself , w...

How are YOU Doing ?

                                                                     How are we ? Fine , is always the answer , Good is the way we portray ourselves to the outside world . I would say 99% of the time you could accurately describe our lives as being from excellent to good . But then there is that 1% that really brings you down . We all experience it in our daily lives and its shite when it happens .                                                                     You try and understand whats happening to you and you can't put your finger on it . Deep down you're telling yourself I need space , I need to be able to breathe . I need to have just ...

Who Backs I.S.I.S ?

Who Backs I.S.IS. and how ? What type of people would finance these murdering bastards ? What sort of fathers and mothers did they have , to allow them to behave in such a manner ? How can any of these people sleep at night knowing full well the slaughter they have caused to men women and especially CHILDREN AND BABIES ? You all have one thing in common , and that is the savage factor . You are all savages using religion for your own personal goals . Look at the list of countries here and what and how they have contributed to such savagery . Now look at this picture below , seeing as you are coming toward your celebration of thanksgiving and answer me this America . Do you not regard your slaughter of the Native Americans as the greatest GENOCIDE that has ever been perpetrated and never acknowledged in the history of the world ? You have never paid proper reparation to these people . And now you are afraid of welcoming refugees to America because you are afraid they might wipe you...

America ,You've Simply Got No Class !

                                   What is it about American cowboy politicians that capture the attention and the imagination of so many voters in the U.S. ? Is it something to do with the level of education over there ? Are they brainwashed ? I mean seriously folks , every one of your presidents this century , and save but one or two in the last century were self ingratiating extremists !                                    And now we have the Christian Zionist era . And everyone is screaming about how true their God of choice is . And how the Christian elements in America cannot help but support the Zionist agenda . What's that all about ?                                         Oh no we would never all...