
A Good Kick in the Ass !

                                                  Whats the one and only thing in life that you can be sure about ? Exactly , now it didn't take long for you to work that one out . Everything else is a game of chance . A game you buy into the minute you are born . From cradle to the grave , every decision you make is a sheer gamble . You have no way of knowing the outcome to anything just that you hope that it will turn out right for you . Now you can stack the odds in your favour , but its ultimately an outcome you have little control over . So after all that , it begs the question , so why make it so difficult for yourself ? Why not just be the kindest , most thoughtful , considerate and loving person that you can be ? Now that would be too easy wouldn't it ? I mean who wants to be that kind of person , never wanting or experiencing the thrill of the unknown ? Its the unknown that keeps us on top of the situation . It keeps us on our toes , it keeps us alert and ready for any

Past and Present !

                                                     Man oh man what a week ! I mean with all this good weather you just have to take advantage , don't you ? Well I did and the gardens are looking spiffing even if you didn't need to know . I mean its still only April and you kinda get fooled into believing the summer has arrived . Nature can have a real messed up sense of humour , because when I looked at the forecast , rain showers and even frost is expected . Don't blame me , I just seem to think because of how warm it is at the moment , that everything needs getting ready like yesterday . All the fencing has been painted , the back and front doors painted , what am I going to do now everything has been done ?I am going to make myself redundant real soon , and the prospect is daunting , really daunting . Anyone out there need a sixty plus teenager to paint their garden furniture ? Well send all replies to the re-incarnation society , they have all of my details , past and

You Have Been Warned !

                                                      Ah , from the response I got from yesterdays blog , the one about re-incarnation I can see it has stirred up some thought with you all . Well to be honest that was exactly my intention . You see a lot of despondency out there , and there is very little to be jumping up and down about is there ? So in the nature of positivity , I wrote that blog specifically if you have ever questioned your spiritual future . It was meant to be honest and entirely my feelings in relation to the subject . But since becoming of that view , it has made a lot more sense to me than what has been driven down our throats since we were children . I mean how can you trust a religion that keeps moving the goal posts ? Especially if you go back far enough , the catholic church were advocates of re-incarnation anyway . But to suit Constantine and the early Christians , re-incarnation and the mere thinking of it became outlawed punishable by death . How can you b

Priorities , Get Your Shit Together !

                                                        When you think of yourself in the great scheme of things , what is it that gives you the most satisfaction and delight . I s it your achievements as a sportsman/woman ? Is it having been successful in whatever pursuit your direction has since taken you ? Or maybe it is the incomparable feeling you get from being someone who has raised children and never been found wanting when it came to their upbringing ? All of these things and choices would be quite admirable if it wasn't for the incessant hurdles and complications the system puts in your way . But that is not what I am trying to get at here , its after all your efforts and constant encouragement , that maybe you say to yourself . is this only what I have achieved and have to look forward to ? I mean this just can't be what its all about , there has to be something else to work towards , to earn my positive thoughts and actions . Like whats next ?                      

All I really want is Peace !

                                                      Every time I feel I am just about to lose interest in my blogging , you the people who read these rants of mine , astonish me by sending me comments and good will messages . That to me is very very encouraging , as you know well yourselves , that talking to yourself can be less than positive . There are times I can just run off and write to my hearts content , not necessarily making good sense , but as I develop the story or anecdote , it all comes together after a while . So if there are times some of my stuff seems a little confusing , don't worry too much about it , its probably not making much sense to me neither .                                                      You see this is what I mean , I just intended to explain away some of my idiosyncrasies , and here I am now going full steam ahead into the narrative . I actually surprise myself at times , reading back on something I have written , I suddenly see the message t

Voice Talking to Voice !

                                                         I've noticed recently , that people who you would normally think of as being maybe a little passive , have suddenly become very philosophical . Everywhere you look you have this poster  and that poster saying how they are feeling from minute to minute . It kinda confuses me , because yes I understand that maybe they need to make a statement , but the best kind of statement is when the statement contains your words , your thoughts and your emotions , and not someone else's who just coincidentally sound like something that you may have been thinking or feeling at that particular time .                                                        Its like a hallmark card with whatever feeling or reference that may apply at that same moment in your life . Hallmark cards are alright to send in the post , but to make them a part of your trying to explain how you feel at a certain moment , I think is doing yourself a disservice .If y

The Fun and the Nasty Side of Bitching !

                                                  It is now Easter Monday evening , and I've had plenty of time to consult myself on how things are going , inwardly and outwardly . Its been a time for painting the garden furniture and reflection . The garden furniture looks great , and the fencing too , just a few little bits & bobs and that will finish it off . Reflection , now that's quite a different subject , its as if thinking was not just the right thing to do in Sunny weather like we've had . And so reflection was put onto a shelf , and will be left there until I get a little broody , or I just need something to bitch about . You do know how it is ?                                                 Broody and bitching kinda go together don't you think ? One to be maybe a little thoughtful , and the other just to piss people off . Thoughtful is something I know a little about , you see I do quite a bit of it . It kinda gets me through the day , but as everyone