It's You America , It's You ! Be So Very Ashamed !

                                                                         Imagine a group of people who decided that they wanted to sit down and demonstrate about how big oil corporations were savaging their lands . Imagine if you will those same people sitting , smoking peace pipes , and issuing a declaration of non compliance , only to be accused of having pipe bombs as opposed to peace pipes . Well believe it or believe it not , these are the circumstances Native Americans are having to suffer in a place called Standing Rock , North Dakota . Once again big American corporations are pushing their collective weight around terrorizing The only True American's the world will ever know . Everyone and everything outside of the Native American culture are but Bastards , with nothing more than a Bastard political agenda , including the continued Genocide of these downtrodden indigenous people .
                                                                        What started out as a simple You Will Not Take Our Lands Again , has mushroomed into a countrywide opposition , that will not and cannot be defeated . This is like history repeating itself , except this time there are witnesses , There is viable opposition , and There is a worldwide Voice growing in the Native American's favour .
                                                                        In what is a really David and Goliath affair , the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe opposed and halted the construction of a 3.7 BILLION DOLLAR Dakota access pipeline . They actually stopped crews from burrowing beneath the Missouri River .
                                                                        Anyone who knows me , or has read my blogs before , will know how passionate I am in relation to the Native American's cause . They will also know that I have blamed and will continue to blame all Americans who do not support the Native American's cause . No excuses will be good enough . I didn't know or I haven't had the time is simply not good enough . Because Big Corporate Business have no morals when it comes to profiteering , every man woman and child is a target in your not so Free American Republic . In some shape or form , every single one of you will be that Native American , struggling against those Bastard Evil Corporations . And do you know what ? There is not much sympathy for you out there .You allowed millions of Native American indigenous people to be slaughtered . And what's worse is EVERY YEAR YOU CELEBRATE IT ON THANKSGIVING .
                                                                       There is only one True Savage that the world can speak of , and IT'S YOU AMERICA , IT'S YOU !


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