What's In It For Me ?

                                                                         How do you want to be remembered ? Do you want to be remembered as the parent who always felt that nothing was too good for your children ? Do you want to be remembered as the drive and the one who made things work and easy to understand ? When it wasn't very modern or , when it wasn't very fashionable , were you the one who pushed that pram and cleaned those nappies ? Throw all of these things together and you get a collage of what you have created and what you have achieved , probably without any credit , simply because it has always been expected of you .
                                                                        You see these are the things you have signed up to , these are the things that make up your duties in life . Sure if you hadn't got all of these things to occupy you , what would you do ? How would you spend all of your free time ? Its not as if there is anything of interest out there anyway . And even if there was , the price you'd have to pay would have to include an appointment with the bank manager .
                                                                       Which brings me to the point in all of this . A point that need not necessarily be enlightening or even helpful to you . As yourself this simple question . Who is it that has set up how you should paint the picture of your life ? What is it that has gently and at times forcibly pushed you forward into making the decisions you have made ? Was it you or was there some other influence that was always asking for more in your efforts to make something of yourself ? Or did you just think to yourself , well this is what is expected of me , and these are the rules , so therefore I will just fit in like every other person I know , or have been acquainted with ? Trying always to never upset the apple cart by even considering anything that might upset the powers that be . Sound familiar to you ? Do you feel even a little bit of familiarity in these words ? You should , because this is what is known as the Obedience Program .
                                                                       This is a type of brainwashing , a way to get total obedience and commitment from you without you even knowing about it . Its underhanded , yes . It smells of an establishment plan , whose sole purpose is to make sure that questioning the order of things will never be tolerated . Why do you think , that you always feel that no matter what you say or do , and no matter how much you jump up and down remonstrating , you never actually get anywhere ? You can move the goalposts as much as you like , but the game will always be the same , and its rigged !
                                                                        The game is designed to excite you . Its also designed to give you the appearance of change . Take an election for instance , you replace one party with another after they have promised you the sun the moon and the stars , only for you to find out painfully that the bastards you have replaced , are exactly the same as the ones you have replaced them with .

                                                                        So if you consider your choices and the selections put in front of you , it isn't difficult to see where they have all come from . They have come from that corporate poverty machine called Greed in High Places , supported by every politician you wish to name . Because their one and only true manifesto is , What's in it For Me ?


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